Where to watch?

It never came to my neck of the woods any word on a home media release? or VOD? I saw a dvd on Amazon but it was in French and didn't list english audio track in the description.


I want to know this too. I was lucky enough to see it at a festival back in November but I really want to watch it again. It doesn't appear to have any sort of VOD or DVD release date scheduled right now which is very strange.


It's currently on release in the UK so maybe a Google search will find a cinema with screenings in your area. I saw it recently and it's definite worth viewing though not as in-depth as I'd have liked. I think that Truffaut's book on the interviews is perhaps better value.


Thank you. Yeah the only dvd I've see thus far is in French. There was one screening near me a while back but it was only here for a weekend and I missed it.


They're showing it in Poole later this month...hopefully I can catch it.


I'm watching the British dvd release and am on the verge of suggesting you don't bother. I wanted a film about the discussions of Hitch's films and I'm looking at a tv promo with nothing but slack-jawed asininities. The BBC couldn't have made a worse film.

I gave up.

Marlon, Claudia & Dimby the cats 1989-2005, 2007, 2010. Clio, July 1997 - 1 May 2016.


It's on HBO on demand.


It's out on disc now in North America -- on both the DVD and Blu-Ray formats. You can find it on sites like Amazon. I think Amazon also has a digital version that you can buy on their website, if you live in the US.

I hope that helps!



It's available on the Criterion Channel.
