No more Hildegard?!

I've read the books, they're supposed to get MARRIED eventually, have children! While Amanda remains a strong independent, SMART woman! What have they DONE to this series?!

If anyone boos you off stage, that is simply applause from ghosts. ~Sharon Needles


Totally agree, I miss Hildegard, and I get the feeling after watching episode 1 of the new series that the writer is trying to push her out the back door and replace her with Amanda! If Hildegard isn't in this series 2, I hope she will at least return in series 3 and MARRY Sidney. She is his wife for goodness sake!


Hildegard was extremely annoying and the actress had zero chemistry with James Norton.
I say good riddance :-)


I agree. I never liked her.


Hildegard was extremely annoying and the actress had zero chemistry with James Norton.
I say good riddance :-)

I would add to that that she had zero personality as well.
I had read last season that he eventually married her in the books
And wasn't looking forward to that aspect of season 2, so I was thrilled to see that she's out of the picture. Dull one-dimensional portrayal.

"I'm not foul, Mr. Carson. I'm not like you, but I'm not foul."


I can't say that I'm disappointed to see the back of Hildegard for a while. The casting choice was nowhere near my favourite and I found the portrayal something of a chore to endure.

I won't mind her returning IF there's a recasting, but I'll not hold my breath.


Margaret seems to us the most interesting of the three though in the US she only "arrived" last night, we are 2 episodes behind. Hildegaard was fine but brought with her the Germany situation maybe creating "topical overload". Amanda... good grief.


Well, it could be the actress won't be available any more or they are recasting, so they are eliminating the character for a while before they bring the recast character back in. To make it less noticeable.


I never liked Hildegard in the show OR the BOOK! I was seriously disappointed when Sydney went for Hildegard. Didn't make a lick of sense to me. And in the first book, the author kept pushing for him to have feelings for Hildegard even though she only showed up in first chapter, while constantly bringing up the vibrant, intelligent, and way more likeable Amanda. I had no idea what intent the author was trying to do.

I've nothing against the actress but like it was stated, she had zero chemistry with Sydney.

But here's an unpopular opinion, I like Amanda in the show. :P The writing definitely made her more a victim, which is a shame, but its definitely a believable predicament for someone like her. Everyone is saying no one forced her to marry Guy, but I think it was heavily implied in the season 1 that her father (not to mention society) was really pressuring her to do so.


I never liked Hildegard in the books either but I had hoped that proper casting would breathe life into the character on the show. When that didn't happen - and I agree that his attraction to her made no sense in either medium - I stopped watching the show. But if she's well and truly gone then I'll go back and start watching again. I liked Amanda in the books and I liked her in the first season too though I am open to Sidney having another love interest as long as it's not Hildegard (played by the same actress).

For the record, I don't blame Amanda for her marriage to Guy. One thing that always confounds me is when people watch a period drama but get upset when the characters don't act in accordance with modern sensibilities. Of course today a woman wouldn't marry a man just because her father and her family will it. There are always exceptions of course but I'd much rather watch a period drama that at least makes an attempt to have people act in a period consistent way than to watch one with them acting in anachronistic ways.


I'm glad to see I'm not the only person who doesn't like Hildegard in the book (haven't seen her t.v. counterpart). I am not even sure I want to read the other books if it focuses a lot on her marriage with Sidney, because I am disappointed that is who he ended up with.

I wouldn't care if she never returned to the show.


I haven't read all the books either so I can't comment on how big a role Sidney's personal life with Hildegard figures in. I thought the books were okay but they're not a priority for me to read. I have others that I love a lot more.


I haven't read all the books either so I can't comment on how big a role Sidney's personal life with Hildegard figures in. I thought the books were okay but they're not a priority for me to read. I have others that I love a lot more.

I only skimmed the first one and wasn't all that into it. But a few days ago, I came across Runcie's newest book on display, Sidney Chambers and the Dangers of Temptation. (2016) In light of of the T.V. Amanda/Sydney dynamic we have been seeing all through Season 2- very intriguing!!!


I liked Hildegard and want her to come back. The producers really didn't develop her character. I guess they kept Amanda in for the drama. Agreed with the comments about Amanda marrying Guy because that was what was expected and also due to family pressure.
