Hello 'B' budget

Lmfao seriously,this is a thing?

Who in their right mind is going to pay to see this movie?

Hollyweird backed up by the Entertainment Industrial Complex and Madison Avenue have really run out of ideas and celebrities.


There are not only triple a blockbusters in this world you know. If this turns out to not be terrible it could still be a decent tv/streaming/DVD action flick


Straight to the bargain bin.


And you don't even have to pay to see it, nor do you have to wait to see it. The whole movie was summarized in the trailer for your convenience!




And you don't even have to pay to see it, nor do you have to wait to see it. The whole movie was summarized in the trailer for your convenience!

Haha! Spot on post! In fact the only 2 things the trailer doesn't show is how the wife dies and how Paul Wights character dies. I think the WWE should stick to wrestling and leave the movie making to the rest of the unimaginative people in Hollywood.

And as far as the Soska sisters go I unfortunately saw Dead Hooker in the Trunk and if this movie is anything like that was then I feel sorry for Mr. Cain and Mr. Wight

Long live the 70s!
