MovieChat Forums > Fear the Walking Dead (2015) Discussion > 80% of people on this board need to STOP...

80% of people on this board need to STOP WATCHING!!

I don't know how much time some of you have on your hands. I don't have a lot. I work full time, I have 2 kids so I pick and choose my TV.

I watch shows I LIKE! Such as:

Fear the Walking Dead

Lots of people on this board seem to hate the show. They come on here and whine every week about how terrible it is.

But you STILL WATCH!? What's wrong with you??

Find a hobby. Pick another show. I hate the show Mike and Molly. So guess what? I never watch it!!

Stupidity is infectious. Just like the zombie plague.


I agree with two things you said:

1)-80% of the people need to stop watching. Actually, I'd up that to 100% because.....
2)-Stupidity is infectious. Just like the zombie plague......And this show is dumbing people down.


I stopped watching 3-4 episodes ago. Figure I would pop in and see if it has gotten better. Doesn't look like it.


I stopped watching 3-4 episodes ago. Figure I would pop in and see if it has gotten better. Doesn't look like it.
Ratings have continued going up in that time, but if you'd rather base a show's quality on imdb comments from hate-watchers...

27 days until the Dead rise


Surely the ones who complain are under the age of 14yrs. Because us adults would just simply not watch.

Perhaps just bored keyboard warriors looking to troll?
It annoys me too.


I genuinely don't get this type of repeating post which appears on this board.

It seems pretty clear (at least looking through this board, as you've pointed out) that this show has two types of fans:-
1. People who genuinely love the characters, the story lines, etc...
2. People who think the characters / writing is terrible, etc...

Obviously the type 2 fans are watching for different reasons, but the fact is both types are equally committed and probably both contributing ratings-wise (i.e. I doubt these type 2 fans are merely a imdb phenomenon).

What I don't understand is this attitude that these fans, in some way, are less entitled to watch the show because their experience doesn't match yours? Is it so impossible to understand that people can genuinely be getting a lot of enjoyment from something just because they are doing so in a different way?

The truth about Marti Pellow


Yes. Those of us who hate the show are enjoying it differently. Ha ha. Funny.

It's hard to complain that a show sucks if you don't watch it.

Jaan Pehechan Ho


Exactly dude 👍

The problem is that people, like the OP, who don't seem to grasp that are really no better than those that keep watching the show hoping it gets cancelled and trolling type 1 fans.

Genuine fans are fans irrespective of their reasons for enjoying the show, and should just get on with that, rather than baiting each other...

The truth about Marti Pellow


I'll just quote another poster on this.

always get whiners asking me, "If you don't like it then why watch it?!?!11/?!?!?" and my response is simply that you don't have to watch a show for enjoyment anymore. If I want to watch this series through to the end, despite its unbearable, poorly-developed characters, complete lack of nuance or subtlety, non-compelling plot, insipid twists, inexplicable plot armor for "audience faves" and bullsh!t "epic showstopper" episodes that don't make a lick of sense, I'm allowed to and I find it to be a terrific use of my time. I take great enjoyment from watching this series decay and pointing out its flaws, so I will continue to do so.



I think about 80% of fanboys and girls need to STOP telling people to STOP WATCHING!

Seriously, can you come up with something even remotely original? For as long as there has been an internet, there has been a fanboy replying to criticism with "Well, don't watch it then!" Not original, not illuminating and not remotely helpful. I don't bother commenting on something I didn't like if I was pretty sure I was going to dislike it anyway. Hence, you wont see me posting on Will Ferrel movies. However, if there is something I wanted to like, or should have liked, but was severely disappointed, then hell yeah I'll say something about it. FTWD should have been awesome. It had the potential to be better than TWD for the fact that there is no existing comic book storylines and could be crafted from a team of professional writers. And what do we get? About the most boring pile of doo doo ever created outside of daytime soaps. A whole team of professional writers failed to equal, let alone surpass, what a single guy writing a comic book accomplished: emotionally invested characters and compelling storylines. That kind of fail deserves comment. If you love the show and want to sit around in a circle jerk with like minded individuals, then join a fan site. They are moderated with an iron fist with ban hammers to all who disagree with the collective. You'll love it.


I think about 80% of fanboys and girls need to STOP telling people to STOP WATCHING!

Seriously, can you come up with something even remotely original? For as long as there has been an internet, there has been a fanboy replying to criticism with "Well, don't watch it then!" Not original, not illuminating and not remotely helpful.

If you love the show and want to sit around in a circle jerk with like minded individuals, then join a fan site.
You don't know what a fanboy is I'm guessing. Who are these people that say they love FTWD and that it's so great?

That kind of fail deserves comment.
Months of comments? lol. No

27 days until the Dead rise


You don't know what a fanboy is I'm guessing

Do I need a dictionary? To me, a fanboy is anyone who adamantly defends every aspect of what they are a fan of, to the point they give up and ask, "then why are you here?"

Months of comments? lol. No

I may not be a fan of the show but I'm a fan of laughing at idiots. It never gets old. A show like this provides inadvertent entertainment by being so ridiculous that you can tear it down piece by piece and watch the fanboys try to put it back together again.


To me, a fanboy is anyone who adamantly defends every aspect of what they are a fan of, to the point they give up and ask, "then why are you here?"
I don't think I've ever seen that series of events. Probably because those are two separate things.

I may not be a fan of the show but I'm a fan of laughing at idiots. It never gets old. A show like this provides inadvertent entertainment by being so ridiculous that you can tear it down piece by piece and watch the fanboys try to put it back together again.
So you're a troll.

27 days until the Dead rise


So you're a troll

I know the definition of fanboy, do you know the definition of troll?

I post legitimate criticism, not inflammatory content to get a response. I almost never create posts, only read and react to what's here.

But to expand on the "if you hate it then leave" mindset that you and like mindlessly repeat- MST3000. If you've never seen it, it's people watching ridiculously bad movies yet have fun by ripping it to shreds. Ironically, MST3000 has fanboys of it's own.


Don't insult Tom and Crow by comparing them to these people.

27 days until the Dead rise


You wrote a posting whining about people who whine about the show.

You are writing about something you dislike. They are writing about something they dislike.

Both of you have this right. You don't like whiners? QUIT BEING ONE.


Re: 80% of people on this board need to STOP WATCHING!!by YoungDobYou wrote a posting whining about people who whine about the show.You are writing about something you dislike. They are writing about something they dislike.Both of you have this right. You don't like whiners? QUIT BEING ONE.
You wrote a posting whining about people who write posts whining about people who whine about the show.All 3 of you have this right. You don't like whiners? QUIT BEING ONE.


You wrote a posting whining about people who whine about the show.

You are writing about something you dislike. They are writing about something they dislike.

Both of you have this right. You don't like whiners? QUIT BEING ONE.
You know what false equivalency is?

27 days until the Dead rise


I Guess my point is, I don't have enough time to waste on $hit I don't like

I'm going to assume there are a great deal of stereotypical "millennials" on this site who have WAYYYYY too much time on their hands.

They dont work enough and spend their lives watching TV, youtube, TV, youtube, Netflix, then play a video game or two
The type of people who can binge watch an entire season of Game of Thrones in a day.....

Sorry. I'm too busy with the rest of my life to get it.

I just don't relate to wasting my time like that


Do you realize that people work harder, longer hours for less money today than they did your (our) day, grumpy grandpa?
Your (our) generation sold the middle class out when they bought the 'if you work hard, you'll get ahead' myth when the reality is 'if you work hard, the top will give you more hard work and do less themselves'.
So they can take their enjoyment out of anything they want.
