I just have to say it..

I love the idea of doing a spinoff of the original show that focuses on the prelude to the breakout of the virus, that's what I wanted to see in the original series, and I've beenserved. I still believe that it could have been included in the series with the original cast, and dont really know why it hasnt been , but thats another discussion

I just ave to say that I have a hard time after watching episode 1, to really get into it... I love the buildup of everybody gradually getting sick, but for one it's a fat pimple-faced student that bring it up the first time and nobody else is talking about it? that just didnt do it for me, there could have been a MUCH MORE interesting way to first hear about it, instead of the cliché socially-awkward dude doubting the version that he hears on the news and almost everybody else being oblivious

second, the church thing... anybody in their right mind would have called 911 when they first suspected a body and they saw traces of blood, even if it's a weird place... going in to investigate just doesnt make any sense. the dude and his wife just walk in, unarmed, clueless, like two bozos

I really lovewd the episode nonetheless

I see dumb people everywhere, and sometimes, they dont even know theyre dumb!


second, the church thing... anybody in their right mind would have called 911 when they first suspected a body and they saw traces of blood, even if it's a weird place... going in to investigate just doesnt make any sense. the dude and his wife just walk in, unarmed, clueless, like two bozos
Welcome to the world of TWD/FTWD. Still, just entertaining enough to warrant casual watching.
