Just tuning in to a repeat

hoping to catch Conan O'Brien. But I'll bet his part's at the very beginning. Who's the guy with the gray beard and the gun? VERY familiar to me. IMDb's cast list is incomplete, as so often happens. Anyone know this guy? Thanks.


I was wondering about beard guy too. He looks familiar, but I don't think that's robert carradine.

Conan is midway and I found his cameo and the funniest part of the movie.

I understand. Thank you for telling me. -The masked bandit


Robert Carradine was in this movie.


Yeah, after looking over all the pictures of him on his IMDb page, I guess the guy is Robert Carradine. Just looks different with the white-ish beard. Still can't figure out what I know him from, tho! Oh well, just one of those things I'll probably never figure out. (He was on an "ER" episode and I'm guessing that may be it; such a memorable show/characters.) Thanks for info on the Conan scene, mference123. I had trouble getting thru the whole movie (really bad!) so recorded the first 20 mins but he wasn't there. I'll have to catch the middle sometime. But I did see the whole thing on "Conan" so that may have to do. Not like I'm missing anything that great, ha ha.


Robert Carridine was in the film The Long Riders from the 1980's. What's quirky about that film is that 2 sets of brothers, David and Keith and Robert Carridine and the Keech brothers , play members of the Outlaw Cowboy James Gang


He was the dad on Lizzie McGuire with Hillary Duff. Looks like he's aged 20 years since that show, but it was only last on about 9 or 10 years ago.


Robert Carridine is the 1/2 brother of David and Keith Carridine. Father John Carridine also an actor did horror films like Devils Island, as well as classics such as the Grapes of Wrath. The Carridine Brothers along with the Keach Brothers and the Quaid Brothers played members of the outlaw Jesse James' Gang in the film The Long Riders from 1980.


There were 3 guys with grey beards in Shartopus vs. pteracuda The Mad Scientist guy is Robert Carridine, son of John Carridine and 1/2 brother of David and Keith. I thought Carridine gave a very relaxed and natural performance I'm wondering where this was filmed. Imdb usually has the location but was silent on this I'm guessing Santo Domingo. Corny as this was it was 110% better than Sharknado 2 All the actors in Sharknado 2 looked more plastic than the sharks


Robert Carridine is most famous for playing Lewis in Revenge of the Nerds...
