Another CRAP horror movie

Because SO OBVIOUS AND BAD CGI effects.

Why SyFy can't made proper movies? All it's low budget movies are animal/ alien horror/ sci-fi movies with obviously bad effects.

Can't stand to watch it.


I've never looked at it that way, you may be onto something here.


Wow! You seem so surprised this wasn't Citizen Kane. Sorry you're disappointed, may I suggest a hot chocolate, and a nice Bambi movie.

My World:


This doesnt even qualify for the "its so bad its camp" title.
It's just plain bad. And of course like Sharknado and that annoying twitter we have another TV personality doing a useless cameo

"So, a thought crossed your mind? Must have been a long and lonely journey"


This doesnt even qualify for the "its so bad its camp" title. It's just plain bad.

Yeah, I know. These people praising it must be high. I actually fell asleep during the last act because of how inane it was.


The first Sharktopus did really good with the "so bad its camp" but this one seemed to be trying to take itself too seriously and it just did not work. I really enjoyed the original as a camp movie, but this one just was ad


But why so obvious bad effects. When Conan's head ripped off by shark, cleary an s*itty CGI effects.

This is why I don't watch SyFy movies because of the really clearly bad effects.


Dear God, you are lame.....


This must be the first movie you've ever seen on the syfy channel.


That's wasnt first movie. I have seen another low budget Syfy movie with bad effects. Something with aliens, doesn't remember name anymore.

Alien left a woman with his finger below jaw - obvious cgi because blood effects were bad and as we saw on screen, alien didn't pierced that woman's jaw.

English is not my native language. Skype is invented in Estonia.


To me, all of the syfy movies are terrible as far as effects. But I still find them entertaining. I love movies with big fake animals, insects, etc. The old Godzilla movies are my favorites.


I happened to catch this Wednesday working from home, its CRAP for sure, but definitely tongue-in-cheek.

I guess there's a MARKET for these kind of movies cause The Asylum keeps churning these and SyFy keeps SHOWING THEM!!!!!!!! The Citizen Kane of them all being Sharknado!

I'm your average ordinary everyday, jorgeegeetooo!


You're obviously not smart enough to 'get' it. The movie wasn't made for you. It was made for a smarter, hipper crowd.


To machintosh2-1: You're not really serious, right dude? The movie is called Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda... and you watched it and was shocked that it's crap? I'll say it again... Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda - they're not even words, let alone creatures that ever really existed anywhere. In what world do you see a movie title called Sharktopus vs. Pteracuda and say, hey, this might be good, I'll watch it!


