MovieChat Forums > Que Horas Ela Volta? (2015) Discussion > Another horrible Brazilian soap opera - ...

Another horrible Brazilian soap opera - SPOILERS

First things first: direction is excellent. Also Regina case is amazing. But the plot, the script is just another Brazilian soap opera turned into a 2 hour full length movie (soap operas usually airs for 3 months or more).

Also there is a clear ideological agenda, with the usual "poor people are humble - the maid - honest, hard working, dreamers" and rich are "evil, sick, arrogant and empty". Cmon. For more than 40 years is the same plot. Also lets not confuse, with true size of that house, we are talking extremely rich people not Brazilian middle, not even, middle to high class.

And he generation conflict is shallow, the submissive mother who is trap in the capitalistic oppressive world with the emerging poor class that takes airplanes (and rich people don't like) - cmon, we can go deeper than his.

Finally, the girls is hard studying and intelligent to get in one of the most difficult universities but has a baby being only 18 y.o. Not a good scripts imho.

The father is horrible, actor, but the story doesn't help: his question about marriage is nonsense on that situation, not even close to good fiction or reality.

And suddenly, is seconds, 30 years of oppression changes, she enters the pool, quite her jog and goes lives happily with three daughter and he unknown grandson. Cmon? Where is the Brazilian Fellini, woody Allen or Bergman? Nowhere to be seen, just another favela movie.

And of course is Globofilmes, the movie branch from je biggest soap opera producer of true world.

4* for direcionado and a tinta of Regina.

Would love to listen to similar or other opinions. Not trolls.


You saw another movie, not the same that everybody saw (Você viu um outro filme, diferente do todo mundo viu).....


I think that complain about "ideological agenda" is just a way to justify you watched the movie and, in some way, identified with the "wrong side", but the movie is actually not even this manichaeist (yeah, there's a conflict, but reduce this to a "good X evil" conflict is just stupid)

For an example Val is a good person, but she helps to keep the "status quo" too, she have a conflict with her daughter because of it

Jessica have a strong character, but the movie don't deny she can be "sassy" sometimes

Fabinho is sometimes accomodated, but he certainly have a good heart, and he don't see the maid and her daughter as "different" people, maybe because he grow up with the housekeeper taking care of him as a babysitter (I must say I love the english title: "The Second Mother")

The movie just shows that situation, I read about worse abuse, and I certainly SAW worse situations than that, some people are "blind" for things like that and when a movie shows, their only reaction is to say "this is all lie, this don't happens...", and I think this is exactly what you're doing




For an example Val is a good person, but she helps to keep the "status quo" too, she have a conflict with her daughter because of it

I don't think Val is a "good person". She is just submissive. She fully accept her "role" and she sees herself as inferior to others. That may cause the impression that she is "good" or "humble". She is just naive and submissive. And she also left her daughter. She was far more present in Fabinho's life than her own daughter.


You're acting like those 'men rights activists' who complain about "Mad Max: Fury Road" for an example, I can't understand how people get so quickly offended with things like that, I'm a man and I'm not offended with Mad Max, the same way I'm from a relatively rich family and I'm not offended with "The Second Mother"


The maniqueism is in the fact that one cannot find virtues in the parent's character in this movie. And one cannot find character flaws in the maid and daughter. SImple as that. The supposed "flaw" some said in this thread are related only to being submissive which is a "dishonest flaw". (It's like when people say that when you go to a job interview you should NEVER say that being "perfectionist" is your biggest flaw, it's that kind of flaw that you say knowing that it could be seen from an angle that favores you)

The attitudes were extreme like the classical pool cleaning thing or objectifying sucking neck pervert guy.
There are plenty of people like that, for sure. But then the plot is shifted to good person x evil person instead of the idea it wanted to transmit.

Last year's Não quero voltar sozinho, although that I consider it to be inferior as cinema to this movie, nailed that. When the director managed to expose the difficulties of homo relation, jealousy, etc, without having to put an antagonist homophobic racist batman villainesc.

To sum up.
The problem is not that one related to the rich character and was mad. That is too simplistic.
The problem is that those rich people are totally unrelatable. And being unrelatable, you don't care if they end up *beep* This weakens the plot.
I WANT to care for the mother, the father and the son, because then I can judge their actions even though it hurts to say that they are simply bad person.

PS: Someone played "The Last of Us"?
Joel is a very nice written character.
We are driven to relate and like him throughout the whole game. Even though you disprove A LOT of the decisions he makes. A LOT. Specially during the last hour of story.


I didn't like any of the characters to be honest. But I liked the movie. Probably of all, I liked Val and the son. The daughter was correct about her mother not being a doormat but she was also an ungrateful little B. The other "mother" was just horrible. The father was crazy and entitled. But I liked the message of the movie and for me it was refreshing to see something that was not people shooting up each other. And although this deals with class issues it was not the "favela" and I'm just getting tired of seeing that milked over and over.


I think you are seeing in a superficial way because of your hate, the movie is not that delirious and simple "good x evil" story that you're seeing


As some people said, the girl Jessica could be seen as someone impertinent, actually there's even some people that saw her as the "villain", like "oh those poor rich people have to deal with that crazy and tyrant girl" lol

Yeah, it's surreal as *beep*, but I remember that a woman (I think the president of the union bosses) said to newspaper Folha that she couldn't "understand the message" and talked like Jessica was the main villain

And you think the movie exaggerates in the message??? I think it didn't exaggerate even a little, I think the film even reduces the manichaeism, because it could be even worse and it still wouldn't be implausible



"4* for direcionado and a tinta of Regina."

You know you could at least had reviewed the google translation of your post right?


While I wouldn't put it down as much as the OP is doing, it is true that the movie is not particularly deep and it sort of repeats the same point over and over.
