
I thought Jessica came off as entitled. I can understand her feelings of neglect, her mother didn't raise her and I can understand her bewilderment of the social boundaries. That being said, Jessica acted out in disgust when she realized her mother was a live in house keeper and felt herself entitled to the guest room. What she failed to realize was that her mom was indeed an employee getting paid. The family did not owe them the full use of their house amenities.

Also she was an adult, Jessica was not even entitled to her mom getting an apartment for her. She seemed very unappreciative. I was hoping there would be some sort 9f revelation like in the movie "Sarafina" where she realizes her mother's sacrifice and love for her. No, the daughter knowingly expects her mother to care fore Jorge,which was another missed opportunity for her to empathize with her mother's position. Jessica gets herself knocked up and expects others to take care of her child, without contributing financial support.

That being said, Barbara did indeed show her true colors. Draining the pool was absurd and showed her false superiority.


Being from a culture where its common for even middle class individuals to have maids I can totally understand the social dynamics that were at play in this movie. Jessica's actions were indeed the result of her being a spoiled little brat.

She is a typical selfish young girl who feels that she should be able to live according to her idea of how the world works. This is regardless of how wrong her ideas may be (which they were). Many of the things she said/did while living with her mother are completely unacceptable in any culture. Meaning the fact that her mother lived in a subservient environment isn't the reason she should have acted differently. She should have acted differently because its a part of common courtesy. For example, take the side story of the....... MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD!!!

ice cream. Imagine you are a guest at your friends house here in the USA. Meaning socially you are equals. If your friend tells you to eat one type of ice cream but leave the other type alone because his little daughter eats only that one; most people would respect that and leave it alone. Its his house so you have to respect his rules. Anyone who secretly tries to eat the ice cream that his friend requested be left alone is just a selfish/disrespectful individual. Jessica does quite a few things like this throughout the movie.
