Study Vivekananda instead

Swami Vivekananda was the one they should have done a film on.


I'd love to see a film on Shinryu Suzuki... that dude had an extraordinary life of ups and downs.
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Good ideas for films re: Vivekananda and other great sages. Out on a limb here, but I would like to see an objective documentary on Osho/Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. He was an important enough teacher and facilitator of East meeting West to merit a full length documentary - as I said, an objective documentary. He was so controversial on the one hand, and also so charismatic on the other, that most films and reports either come from an attitude of outright condemnation or saccharine reverence. I'd like to see one that treads the cinematic Middle Way.

Another figure who deserves the same is Ramana Maharshi. I've seen the Ram Dass-hosted Abide As The Self, but I'd want to see a more journalistic treatment of Ramana...
