How many US cities destroyed?

So, the DR and the daughter release the monsters- what did they think was going to happen, FFS?

And why is it good to be ''king'' at the deaths of millions of innocent citizens?


There is a strange trope that humans are the enemies of the earth and a rebalance that needs to kill of humanity that is becoming popular in movies these days for some reaso. :/


TRUE...many from environmentalist wackos, but those same wackos denounce any semblance of war.


I have to believe that even environmentalists on the left are scratching their heads at the writing of movies like this.
i'm pretty sure this trope phenomena is only manifested in films. Ecco terrorists advocate attacking ships polluting the ocean or over hunting whales etc but advocating the destruction of man kind is a new one. Its like writers are running out of enemies or are afraid to appear politicaly insensative to nationalities or religious extremists and are search for new enemies. We had the same happen in the 90s after the soviet union collapsed all the bad guys became space invaders or dinosuars for a a while.
