My 3 main beefs

#1. I never care about the human story in Godzilla films. They can be rotten to the core and I'm cool with it as long as the monster fights are good. This film cared too much about the humans and kept throwing them in our face during monster action. So many times they would cut away to human reaction shots or have a jet fly into the frame obscuring the action. There were some great monster scenes but most of them were spoiled by a director who thought we cared about the humans. Extended, continuous monster action is what makes a Godzilla film good. So while the effects were cool (Monster 0 looked great), it was a misfire.

#2. Rodan stops mid-attack due to mortal blow. This is a movie trope that I absolutely hate. A warrior can be swinging his enormous heavy sword downward at his opponent and he will freeze, losing all inertia, when he gets stabbed in the stomach. It happens in a ton of movies and it is stupid. I couldn't believe they did this to Rodan. I was driven to hand gestures of incredulity and outrage.

#3. Godzilla gets an AoE (area of attack) power. This is a modern trend that has been irking me. They did the same thing to Black Panther and Wonder Woman. Instead of giving us a good fight and Godzilla winning because he is Godzilla, they threw in some new "pulse" attack that saves the day.

The last Godzilla film was far superior. It took awhile to get to the fight but when it did, the fights were good. Kong Skull Island was better than both of them. Superb monster action without constant cut-aways.

G1: A-
G2: C+/B-


It seemed odd they left the fantastical elements (like the Hollow Earth angle; the underwater ruins; and that Ghidorah IS an extraterrestrial) to the background of the human "drama".


I have disagree there. Godzilla 2014 killed its most interesting character 30 minutes in and probably only gave us 24 minutes of Monster in a 2 hour movie.
