Who did narration

Because it didn't sound like a black actor ... all I could think of was Gomer Pyle from Andy Griffin Show.


I wouldn't say it didn't sound like a Black actor, it just sounded like a person who didn't read well.


Had to do a rewind and quick pause at end and finally found out it was Rusty Cundieff. Whom I'm more familiar with from movies like School Daze and Sprung.


Actually I did the narration -- Rusty Cundieff -- I am black, and I think the fact that through my life people have at times said I sound "white" speaks to the message of the film. "Don't judge a book by its cover." Just because someone sounds white or black... what does that really mean? Like labels on a fountain.

I actually read pretty well too!


Didn't sound white, just didn't sound good.


cant please everyone!


cant please everyone!

Nice response. Great for not feeding to the rudeness of that poster.

You sounded fine to me.

I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. They are so unlike your Christ-Gandhi


Hello Russ,

I thought your narration was excellent. I say that not because I am a childhood friend of Micheal Bandy and I am partial to this true to life story. I think I heard in other types of projects before. Great Job!


I disagree with the poster who criticized your reading. I thought your voice was calming and at times whimsical. I was reminded of Burl Ives narrating Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer claymation special from the 1960's and I mean that as a compliment. I think your voice set a tone for the film that would have been lost without it. I wasn't intending on watching this, but was lucky enough to have landed on the station airing it as it was beginning. It was your voice that stopped my channel surfing. I enjoyed it so thank you.


Just started watching on TVone Rusty..looks very good so far my man.

"Vive la mort, vive la guerre, vive le sacre mercenaire."


You sound identical to James Pickens, Jr. That's a compliment. He has one of the smoothest and sexiest voices I've ever heard. Outstanding job. I'd pay to hear you read the phone book. :)
