ending question

so was it real or a prank? i got distracted towards the end and I heard one of the kids say he'd made it up then he shot himself but the last two kids died as well and im confused. It had to have been real so why'd he say he made the recording?

ta much




Why don't you watch the film in its entirety? How lazy are you?


Hahah! Right!


*beep* you MichealRAllen, it's just a question. It makes no difference if i watched five minutes or played it on a loop for five days, it would still be a question, so answer it or don't but don't be a d*ck. D*ck.


He made the recording of the list. But the voice after the list which was unintelligible to me till the very end "The six makes the seven" came from the demon they\he summoned when they did the goof EVP the night of the party. Remember the talk about how the list has a wav form and was a real voice but the rest was not a real voice but a transmission from somewhere unknown?

So it started out a a joke but instead actually invoked a demon.

The final go round with Nick in the studio was not the original list but the demon making a new one, adding Rebbecca who had not been on the list Duffy made. She was either killed or became Abacor or died and Nick became Abacor. Nick being the 7th.

But who knows. This was so poorly made (the stock footage of the city was the best looking parts)it was hard to watch. Other than Nick no one stood out acting wise. The camera was shaky even though this was not found footage. Over all a mess.


Hard to believe he wouldn't reveal his "joke" much, much sooner, like after the first two deaths. As his other friends started freaking out, the term "self-fulfilling prophecy" should have come to his (lame) mind. Crummy movie!


I thought that the movie was decent for a low-budget horror film; however, it definitely was very odd that he didn't reveal his prank sooner. He was so upset by how Nick was reacting to it and saw how it was eating away at Nick, yet he still kept it a secret and waited until more people died to tell the truth. It was very odd, indeed.


Thank you for any and all constructive comments. Trace was my first film, and like any really low budget film, a number of contraints in terms of scope and the like had to be made. But no one sets out to make a bad film. I'm proud of my cast and crew. Any and all negativity that doesn't come from a place of understanding the struggle of getting a movie made and released just gets ignored by me, especially by trolls who worked on the film and think I don't know who they are. Bitter is just bitter. But again, constructive criticism is never a bad thing. Thanks. Ryan Brookhart.
