Minor Goof

When Chapman addresses the Landstat crew as he gives them their mission briefing on the boat he’s introduced as “Major Chapman”

Then just before they board the helicopters on the way to the island Packard refers to him as “Captain”. Anyone else notice this inconsistency? No biggie but something that slipped through the cracks.


He didn't say Captain. Packard, like many African Americans, talk like they have shit in their mouths. He says Chap-um instead of Chapman.


Wow....nice not so subtle drop of the racism there.


Sorry, most people can differentiate fact from racism.


Most people who carry tiki torches and burn crosses you mean.


So, does that mean you're a card carrying member of the KKK? I'm from the rural north. We fought to end slavery. Maybe instead of using blacks in my analogy, I should have used Louisiana French(Cajun). But then again with those pesky facts, I have never heard of Cajun Ebonics.


Maybe (a big maybe) it was meant to be a slip up from the characters. Lol.

But it happens.
