Do you have to watch all three films?

So to get the full story will you have to watch all three films? Or is 'Them' both films cut into one long film


No- this film is edited from the first two, to make one seperate film


"Them" is edited down to be a regular feature length movie with parts from both their films.

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I heard they're releasing both "Him" and "Her" (cut together to make one 3+ hour movie) in October I believe? So if you want more of the story, you have that opportunity as well.

I am Jack's broken heart



Whichever the case is, people like me can't see any of them because they are R rated!!!! In Singapore at least T T


Only if your slow.

Let face it, people hate art movies. Especially when they are not expecting an art movie"


only if my slow what?


Then maybe this would have worked better as a mini-series on cable if you need to spend money and 6 or more hours to get to know what it is all about?

Why do they suddenly find themselves as strangers longing to understand each other in the wake of tragedy? Why doesn't this tragedy draw them closer rather than push them apart?

Apparently the film opens a window into the subjectivity of relationships by exploring both sides of one couple's story as they try to reclaim the life and love they once knew. How is it they forget what they knew?

It is always good to remember why you fell for someone on a daily basis. If more did they'd be less divorce and break ups.

OR are we destined to be alone, even when we're together? Are we destined to be walled off in our own private universe alone as we came into this life forever? Can an unseen gulf exist, even between the closest people?



It is three films. I'll wait as I suspect many will even if it's getting good ratings. Three films at matinee prices of $10/ea to pay $30/total is a bit too much for this movie lover, sorry.



You don't have to see three films. You can see Him/Her (His story followed by her story as one 3 hour movie = one ticket) or Her/Him (same thing, the stories are just flipped, again both full stories for one ticket price) or Them (just...don't see this one, it's an edited down compilation of the two).

So just see Him/Her or Her/Him, you get both full stories as the director intended for the price of one movie. It's worth it.



I saw 'Him/Her' this past weekend and I don't understand all the fuss. There was no need to combine the two films that was a waste. I never felt I was sitting for three hours even though the 'Her' film could have done without a few scenes that added nothing to the story.

I would suggest watching the 'Him/Her' version. You aren't seeing the same film twice, they are their own films and only repeat a few scenes. 'Her' answers questions that you are left with in 'Him' so seeing that film first would ruin the experience. And the ending in 'Her' is what you should leave with seeing last.


Lol! I'd like an answer too.



"buy, consume, and repeat. purchase, use, then redo. ad infinitum. *ad nauseum*"



That's funny.

When you get up in the morning, how do you decide what shade of black to wear? (Shallow Grave)


you're = you are



|°_∆°|<buy, consume, and repeat. purchase, use, then redo. ad infinitum. *ad nauseum*


Great post and replies. I can't wait to see all of the versions. Like one poster had said, I'd like to see the directors finished version.


I kinda wish they had just made a regular movie from the beginning no his or her.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Same here!


will surely watch all of the three of them if i get a chance :D


I watched Them and it seems like it was abit empty, I think watching Him & Her and skipping Them would be the best option.



I just watched " Them" as its the only part available online...and I thought it was question is ...are the other two versions will be out in Dvds ?



I've only watched Them. So can someone answer if there is anything to gain by watching the first 2 after already having watched Them? This question doesn't seem to be addressed in this thread.


'Him' and 'Her' have much more scenes within.

'Them' is just both movies edited down and NOT combined into one.

When the stars are the only things we share
Will you be there?

-Benjamin Francis Leftwich
