
Loved when the redneck in Nashville yelled "traitor" at them in the bar before Poppy sung her song. People get angry when the South is stereotyped as dumb and closeminded, then southerners act like that..


Yeah, they should have waited until after Poppy started singing. Some people are so impatient.


I didn't get why the guy said that at all. Traitor for what? I don't get it. It really does get tiring when Hollywood portrays the South the same way over and over and over again. But that's Hollywood for you.


I loved the black guys at the gas station, that is exactly how they would act toward them. Instead of explaining how it works, they get super defensive and start using massive amounts of profanity.


I can actually see their point of view. 2 super white people wanting the black guy to pump their gas for them. That is a tad insulting. But yes they could have just said that it's not self serve and that they had to do it themselves. That is one thing I miss in the country. Full service. They can pump the gas, check the tires, oil and stuff. Now you have to go out of your way to get that done these days.


" i hope it bites the S##t out of him "
poor georgie


They never demanded that they pump the gas for them, they obviously made it appear as though they were tourists and needed help. George was very polite and asked them for help. I know it is most likely staged, seeing as how all of the men involved didn't have their faces blurred out, but it is still very realistic :)


I wonder to what extent this show is staged. After buzz TV, was able to interview Chris, the hotel attendant from the Texas episode. He stated that he was led to believe that they were who they claimed to be, up until Georgie(Ed) broke character and laughed. He was then informed, that it was a mockumentary, and was asked to play along. Chris has also been an actor before in the television show Dallas.


The badass black guys certainly appeared to act genuine, but they would have to have had to sign a waiver for their faces to appear on a television show right?


They definitely have to sign something to be on T.V. I read somewhere, that when they are finished filming with the regular people, that they are informed at the end of filming that it isn't real.

I would think as long as Ed or Amy don't break character, they can just roll with it and see what kind of reactions they can get. Maybe this was the case at the gas station. The reactions could have been 100% genuine, and when the black people left, they were told it was fake and signed their waivers or whatever they would have to sign.


Haha I wouldn't want to be the one tracking them down and explaining that they were made fools of...


Actually I have been in the vicinity of AbFab being filmed, when they were in NYC for fashion week filming. All they had to do was post large signs that said THE BBC IS FILMING. BEING IN THIS AREA GIVES US YOUR PERMISSION TO FILM YOU. No one that was in that area had to sign anything.


That part always puzzles me.Most of the people that the two main characters interact with behave as if they don't know that it's an act.it really looks as if that the other people don't know that everything is staged.
That's just my two cents.


I can actually see their point of view. 2 super white people wanting the black guy to pump their gas for them. That is a tad insulting.

You can "see the point of view" of RUDE clods?

What are "super" white people? That sounds REALLY racist!

There was NO "wanting the black guy" to do ANYTHING! THEY WERE SIMPLY THE NEXT PEOPLE IN LINE!!! If they had been white Georgie and Poppy would have asked for their help!

If the "nasty name-callers" knew anything, they would know that there is no history of "racism" in the UK.

WOW, you have NO PROBLEM calling whites "racist" (I find that to be stunning; the casualness of it all).

We used to be more polite (before Obama).

If someone from another country acted like Georgie, I would have "pumped his gas for him" (as a courtesy for a stranger) BUT I would also have SHOWN him how to do it (with the assumption that he could do it himself the next time).

Clearly, these "nasty name-callers" have never been in a foreign country or faced different customs. Too bad their mothers taught them to be so horrid.

[I lived in a state that required gas to be pumped by an attendant; when I moved to a "pump it yourself" state, I was more than annoyed; I thought it was really LAZY on the part of gas station attendants to just "sit there looking stupid" while I did the work and then PAID THEM! I still don't like it; gasoline smell on hands; nasty! I don't blame Georgie for being shocked and disgusted; I still am.]


Drunk people sometimes say things that don't make any sense.


Nashville, was by far the meanest town to Poppy and Georgie.
