MovieChat Forums > One Christmas Eve (2014) Discussion > Thank heavens for a remote control fast ...

Thank heavens for a remote control fast forward

This movie had all the markings of a delightful Christmas romp - great cast, and Hallmark is known for it's well-done telemovies. Unfortunately this was NOT one of them. It was long, boring, stupid. I'm glad I didn't sit through the 2 hours as it originally aired. I had control and ended up using the fast forward button through much of it.
I wanted to like it so much. I loved the actors involved. They did what they could with a poorly organized story. This is more like a Lifetime movie, not the "quality of production" that Hallmark has been known for, for decades.


esp. during that sloooooooooooooow-moooooooooo dog saving scene. that felt like it lasted 30 min.

