Worth watching?

Used to watch the TV show for some time but haven't really kept up with the Power Rangers since then. Would this movie be worth watching?


Idk, I gave it a 6.5/10.

I thought it wasn't that a good movie in general, but it's not bad either. I liked it OK! Although Elizabeth Banks had awful look and terrible performance as the villain. The fighting scenes aren't bad at all, but didn't impressed me anyway. I can't say I was disappointed with this one, it was still mildly entertaining, but could have been much better.

I'd say that the long-take car scene and 'slow-motion' parts in one of the final fighting scenes are my favorite things about this movie.

Worth a watch? If you feel the need to watch it, then I'd yes.


> Elizabeth Banks had awful look and terrible performance as the villain

I've heard she is the best thing about the movie


Yeah, I'm surprised about it.
