
So... what happened here? They all accidentally combined their powers to transform into Megazord?

Every single ranger seemed completely bewildered by what happened and perplexed that they were one giant robot. Nobody knew how to control it or why they were a giant robot.



It was the first time they had combined to form it and control it, I don't even think they did it in practice. I forget how they even knew that putting themselves together could even exist but it would make sense that they have some problems with it.

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My point was that if they didn't even know they could do it, how did they do it? And what luck, it happened at the best possible time! This was an excruciating deus ex machina moment. I've seen some bad examples of this in other movies, but this was one of the worst.

They weren't saved by some random outside help, they were saved by themselves, and didn't even realize it. They had given up hope and were even saying their last words: "It was nice having you guys as friends."

How does that situation turn to their advantage? It makes zero sense.


It's just following the same pattern as the TV shows. The rangers morph for the first time, then they battle it out, and when all seems to go the wrong way... they're presented with these weapons and zords that at first confuse the rangers but a moment later they are easily handled by them (even though they were never fully trained to use them). Call it mindless but I think it's funny because this is essentially a Power Ranger thing.


I just wish there was at least some attempt to explain the megazord. I mean, they spent more than half the movie learning how to morph, which says to me that stuff doesn't just happen by accident. I knew the megazord was coming, but it came completely out of left field with what the movie set up, when they spent so much time setting everything else up.


There is a precedent of it happening on accident when Billy morphed for the first time.
