MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > what if eve is just a plot device like m...

what if eve is just a plot device like michael was?

what if the real point of eve is not to show up again so much as to just give kate something to do. that has been Michael and her primary purpose. Michael was there to give her something to care about in one and 2 and then jr in awakening. neither hybrid has ever been a main star player. They tell her about hunting her daughter, and so perhaps she's going on this quest to protect eve wherever she is? I'm just saying perhaps atleast for this movie her importance will be offscreen, and if she shows up in the sixth and possibly final film that she'll really just be there to give selene something to care about.



I wouldn't call them plot devices. They are damsels. Which is why I have no interest in this one. Technically Michael should have kicked ass left and right in the second one because hybrids are supposedly a lot stronger than pure bloods. But no instead Michale had to be constantly rescued. Same with Eve. Some lycan has her in a chokehold that she should be able to get herself out of but no, she has to be saved by David.

So much rar rar over hybrids in this series. It was totally wasted because nothing can outshine Selene. And when they couldn't deal with the fact that these hybrids are supposed to be tougher they just ditched them.

Say what you want about the RE movies and Alice, at least the producers listened to the fans and depowered Alice and gave other characters the opportunity to kick some ass, including saving Alice's life.


tragically true. to be fair, eve was able to actually defeat jacob mono y mono in the end, whereas michael never won a fight at all save for a lycan or two. William yes, but then again he did have some help lol


Eve was only able to beat him after David rescued her from a chokehold she could have so easily gotten out of. Otherwise she would have died one of the stupidest deaths in this franchise. Really, her kill is on par with Michael killing William. Actually I give Michael the better kill here since William is way tougher than Eve's enemy.


true, but michael had some help too since everyone shot to death at William,who was already starved and suffocated in a coffin for 8 centuries. Just once, just once, i'd like to see a hybrid kick ass. If michael or eve come back next movie i want to see a real fight.


Eh those bullets didn't seem to do much to phase him. I still don't get how William wasn't a skeleton to begin with after so many centuries without anything to eat. But best not question that. Bullets didn't seem to do anything to him except restrict his movement.

Eve was in her hybrid form when Jacob had her in a chokehold. In that form she has freaking claws for fingernails. Instead of trying to get his hands off by cheer strenght she should have torn through his wrists with her claws. Or go for the eyes. But we can't have that. Poor hybrid gotta be saved by a vamp again because she is so weak.


I always thought of william and his ilk to be more like undead zombie werewolves, which coudl explain how he was still kicking. He was also mindless raw instinct, whereas a hybrid seems to retain some intelligence, so that could also give him an edge. I'm beginning to realize why viktor feared hybrids so much. you're right they're helpless, lol. but atleast for those few precious seconds i got to see eve kick jacob's ass all on her own after david saved her. A hybrid i could actually believe was an actual cross between the two getting to hold its own in a fight (after the choke hold that is) is what i waited to see ever since the original, and this is about the best we'll ever get.
