MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > These movies aren't the same without Vik...

These movies aren't the same without Viktor and Lucian.

Rewatching the first three and just, Michael Sheen and Bill Nighy brought such a depth to the films and the history of this war, and it doesn't feel the same with them gone. Same with Marcus, who, while not the best written character, was very well acted by Tony Curran.

"IMDB: Where Intelligent Film Discussion Goes To Die" - Scott 'The Foywonder' Foy;


Well, for me it's not the lack of the actors, but more of a lack of intricate bloodlines scenarios, which made the first two movies great, and kind of necessary prequel, which was mediocre at best, but it provided depth to the overall story.
The fourth one was so cut of from the vampire-lycan connections that I couldn't even see or care about the war between the two species. And the thread of Alexander Corvinus was just abandoned. That is what is missing from the franchise as of last installment.


the human dystopia future had potential but was done at the expense of all the cool stuff, including the bloodlines you mentioned.


I especially miss Viktor. Lucien and Marcus were also great characters and I miss them too and I would also like to have seem more of Amealia


They should've just rewatched 1 and 2, said "I'm sorry for 3 and 4. We are officially erasing that" and then shoot a entirely new 3 from where they left. (no prequel)


3 was ok just not needed and didn't really change anything. 4 was the one that dropped the ball. But at the same time the story kind of felt complete after Evolution. William, Lucien, and all of the Elders were gone. wish they came up with a better threat. Had some good concepts just not executed real well.


I am cautiously optimistic (emphasis on the cautiously) about this movie in general but it has both Charles Dance and James Faulkner!!! So at least their scenes will be watchable.


i liked Lucian & Viktor, etc. but for me these aren't UW movies without Kate/Selene. she makes them awesome.
