MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > I only seen the first and awakening

I only seen the first and awakening

And I love both of them is part 2 just as good ? I love the movie because of Selene (Kate"a acting) I know part 3 doesn't have her so I have no care to see it. But I saw part 2 was on Netflix , is she the main chacratcrr like in part 1 and awakening ?


Wait let me get this straight. You made the sweeping statement that this franchise is more consistent than RE yet you have only seen the 1st and 4th movie? What with the what?

I'm facepalming so hard right now my head is actually starting to hurt...


The first two films are the best. Awakening wasn't that great. Since you enjoyed it (and I did too, to some extent), you'll like Evolution too.

Selene is the main character in everything except Rise of the Lycans.


StormMen, i think you and i are some of the very few who love AWAKENING. lol. i really do love that movie. and you absolutely MUST watch part 2 EVOLUTION! i know you'll like or love it! my faves are part 2 and AWAKENING.


Well I think if you liked the 1st one and Awakenings, you'll probably love Evolution. Evolution pretty much takes place right after the 1st film. Marcus takes over for Viktor and yes Michael and Lucian are there too. I think it's the perfect transitional sequel IMO. Michael's role is upped, but Selene is still her bad ass self. Some might argue it's a better film and more bad ass than the first, and definitely better than the more polarizing Awakening, which I loved by the way too. Whenever I watch the 1st film, I almost always have to watch Evolution after it. A part of me wishes they could have combined the first 2 films because I think they are perfect together.

So yeah I think you should see Evolution as soon as possible. I actually think you should buy them eventually. I think the extras/special features are excellent and should be seen. Something I can't usually say these days.


artdogg50, great post! i agree w/ you. :)


Glad you liked it. Despite what critics say or think, I think this is one of the best franchises out there.


I just saw part 2 finally!! And I loved how it's besically a direct sequel to part 1 ! The only thing I noticed however is that Selene accent isn't as strong as in part nor does she look as vampirish she looks more human her face isn't as pare


Just rewatched this on television last night. Kind of cool just to watch it that way again.

To really understand the overall history of Selene, Michael, Viktor, Marcus, and the Corvinus legacy, you really have to watch the first two movies. Well to understand it totally, you'd need to watch Rise of the Lycans too. It does suffer somewhat without Selene, she wasn't born yet I don't think, but it's a good film IMO. It was tough not spoiling anything for you. I did make a mistake about Lucian, he wasn't really in it...sorry about that.

Glad you really enjoyed it. Some say it strayed too much from the 1st film and lost some of the lore. There is a 3 year gap between the production of the two films. Technology adjusts pretty fast in Hollywood, plus directors and producers tend to change what they feel were mistakes or what could have been done or shown better. Selene outfit looks a little cleaner and more updated to me, even though the timeframe is supposed to be the same. I think the cinematography looks "cleaner" in the 2nd film too.
