abandoning the lore??

When I watched the trailers, it didn't really feel like a sequel at all. This could be bad for the fans of the series. The trailers suggested that Selene's blood is the most "pure" and needed by the lycans for something. This is the 5th movie, and her blood was never once thought of anything special. It was always Michael's blood for having DNA of both vampire and lycan.

I just get the feeling like a story was slapped together to put Selene in the spotlight because Kate Beckinsale is still hot and everyone wants to see her kick ass in pleather. Anyone else with similar concerns?


Selene has had "special" blood ever since she drank Alexander Corvinus's blood in Evolution. She's been a superpowered daywalker ever since then. She, Eve, and David are the only living vampires with Corvinus blood. David's blood may be weaker, since he got the Corvinus strain from Selene. So it's not too surprising that Selene and Eve are the desired sources of superblood.

Michael has the Corvinus strain too, but his being a lycan/vampire hybrid may complicate things for anyone hoping to inject his blood. Or maybe he's dead, and no one collected his blood. I don't know.


Did you not watch Underworld Evolution? Once she drank from Alexander she became what he described as "The Future"

