is it just me or does the castle of the white vampires look a lot the castle where William, an albino werewolf, was also imprisoned in the snow? Coincidence or not.


It would make sense since William was also an albino...hmmm.


well here's a thought. having the alexander blood, she could theoretically hybridize. maybe she wants to take the target off her back. why she would have to go through this huge freezing ritual. in a lot of movies I find that going to the monastery in the frozen mountains is usually a spiritual thing, albeit Underworld spirituality. however, we don't know much about the humans this time. perhaps some humans have been trying to acuire the powers of the immortals without the animal 'taints' as a human would surely be prejudiced against. since these immortals are more like transgenics, perhaps there is some sort of sci fi splicing going on in a very old world mystic method


Not only is that William’s prison, but I think that part is a clip from Underworld: Evolution. Here’s a screenshot from Evolution:,_make_their_way_to_William%27s_Prison.jpg

Not sure why they would include that in the trailer...


Ahh, now it all makes sense. The reason they got rid of all the hybrids *cough* Michael and Eve *cough* is because they rather continue to hybridize Selene (she was already a new breed after getting Alexander's blood). God forbid anyone besides her kicks some ass. At least they could do the honest thing and hybridize her into a partial beast. Oh no wait, can't do that either. Kate not spending all movie looking sexy in leather? Can't have that. No one would pay if Kate started to sprout fur, blue skin or whatever.


that would be my guess


awesome! i can't wait!
