MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > New clip where Selene and David talk abo...

New clip where Selene and David talk about Eve


they actually said her name on screen finally. if eve is so important than why did they not bring the character back?


I'd like to know the answer to that as well.


at first I thought that maybe kate doesn't want any competition, but they're still making eve important. it's implying that perhaps they had a falling out? At first I thought selene gets involved to protect eve, but now i'm wondering if perhaps it's just to nip it in the bud because she's tired of it all. maybe she really does want to end the war? though how, i'm not sure.


majandra, that's right!! i totally forgot that in AWAKENING they never mention her name. they just say "your daughter".


What with the what? The Selene OOC-ness continues. Good thing I will wait until the movie comes out for free. This is getting more and more BS. It's like Selene lost her keys or something.


awesome! thanx for posting this clip and the other trailer today, Bu54Lb!!


from the way she talks, I wonder if she and eve had a falling out? no mention of Michael and surely I imagine eve an maybe Michael will come back for six since they're still alive


She still sounds about as emotional as someone would if they accidentally misplaced something unimportant. Actually if I hear any emotion she seems to be pissed at Eve for whatever is going on. Which is a big no no in the parenting world. Unless this movie takes place 10+ years post Awakening (Eve being adult by that time), Selene being pissed at her daughter about whatever falling out they may have had is another misstep in characterization. But their differences were so big that she doesn't know where her freaking daughter is? Sorry, I don't buy it. That's just not Selene.

Seems to me their desire to give her connections only to then discard them for no reason is making Selene a worse and worse character every movie.


I suspect that Eve is an adult by now. It seems like there have been a lot of changes in the world since the last film: the Purges are more or less forgotten, and the immortals are fighting in the streets of Prague somewhat openly. It’s like the police stopped trying to track down immortals, either because they think they’re extinct or the immortals made peace with the humans somehow. That process could have taken years or decades.


There was fighting in the streets? I haven't seen all trailers and stuff but the only time the streets were shown was during the motorcycle chase and when the Lycans try to capture Selene it looks like a construction sight or something. Was there something I missed? Where is all this out in the open fighting?


That’s pretty much it. Motorcycle chases, and then some fighting in that tunnel. Selene intimidating that one lycan by shooting his feet, and then the gang of lycans surrounding Selene. I might have misjudged how open the fighting is, but the setting seems urban and there are no humans around. And Semira’s castle is easy to spot, but the humans leave them alone. I feel like something happened to stop the Purges entirely, because no one seems worried about human interference, from what I can see.


I feel like something happened to stop the Purges entirely, because no one seems worried about human interference, from what I can see.

Something did. Probably bad writing. I'm willing to bet the Purge and everything that entailed will be completely ignored here (like it never happened). Because the setting of the movie makes no sense otherwise. Vampires are allowed to live above ground in giant castles again and in huge covens. Apparently the elite Lycans connected to Antigen who lived and thrived in the human world are also forgotten since we seem to be getting back to the pack type setting of the first movie. Just because Antigen fell means little, because technically billions of humans still live and are able to hunt the few (in comparison) Vamps and Lycans.

So yeah it will probably be completely ignored, kinda like it is common in an RE movie. Too bad, I had much higher expectations from UW. But after Awakening it doesn't surprise me. They seem to be embracing a Resident Evil style, sadly.


bad writing and re treatment is my guess too. while we are on the subject, I got to admit I saw potential in the human purge stuff. I saw it coming ever since the end of evolution. but this series has been full of missed opportunities and untapped wasted potential as well as cool stuff.


Oh I agree, humans had to eventually get involved once Alexander's clean up crew was gone. I've written about this before on the Awakening board (thread is sadly gone now) but I didn't want humans until maybe a 5th movie. 4th should have followed right after the events of the first 2, with internal power struggles among the clans now that their elders/leaders are dead and Selene/Michael in the middle. End that movie with an uneasy truce between the species and give them humans as a common enemy in the 5th. And of course don't forget to include some defectors (like Kraven) working with the enemy for personal gain because that is part of the verse.

Awakening pretty much negated what we thought we knew. Lucian apparently wasn't the leader of all Lycans. And neither did all Lycans live underground. Jacob and all the other ones we saw in Awakening (in the scene where he talked about vaccine centers with other guys in suits) apparently lived a very different life but trying to accomplish the same thing Lucian was trying to do. David talking about Death Dealers like some kind of myth. It's been 12 years for crying out loud, not 120. Also who knew what still has me stumped. I have to really stretch to justify how Thomas/David and anyone else not just know Selene on sight but also that she killed Victor and her and Michael being an item. But I really can't find a reason as to why they would know she killed Markus. Only 2 survivors of the whole Markus deal in UW2, Selene and Michael. And they aren't likely to blab about it, especially since they don't socialize.


RjanaR, maybe Selene is just telling people she has no idea where her daughter is in order to protect her? but i agree w/ you that the way the line is delivered from Kate it makes it sound completely like Selene is irritated at Eve for whatever reason.


judging from the way Jacob was talking, it seems that his son got infected and later him. he offered the lycan power and immortality to all the antigetn people who wanted it building up his own lycan base and group within. the tunnel lycans seemed like a separate group. this stuff came after Lucian and Raze and such. Even in the original it was implied that the lycans were undisciplined and the only reason they were still alive was Lucian secretly leading them. As for eve, I wish they would either scrap the hybrid thing once and for all or bring it back and do it justice. someone said that it sounds like selene has lost a possession and I agree. there were several tricks they pulled to sell their connection but i don't think selene is the affection feeling type.
