Which lycan group are they?

so are these lycans the antigen lycans or tunnel lycans gotten back into shape, or both or neither?


that's a good question majandra. did they ever mention in AWAKENING (i should know the answer to this seeing as i've watched that movie a million times now! lol) if the "mass cleansing" of both species was happening all around the world or was it just in America?


they never said America at all. They implied in the first that it was in easten Europe, though awakening had all American accents mostly lol honestly i'd have preferred if it had never been told where it was. I liked the idea of it being in an almost fantasy timeless world unto itself.


I'm assuming Marius is an older Lycan, probably from sometime between the events of Rise of the Lycans and the first movie, who's taken over a few of the Lycan clans after the deaths of Lucian and his lieutenants.

"IMDB: Where Intelligent Film Discussion Goes To Die" - Scott 'The Foywonder' Foy; Dreadcentral.com
