MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > Kate refusing to be sexy in these movies...

Kate refusing to be sexy in these movies.

I have really wanted the Underworld movies to be sexy vampire stories with great fight scenes. For some reason it feels like Beckensdale dresses in exactly the outfit I want to see her in, but refuses to use her sex appeal at any point in the franchise. Vampires are historically seductive and dangerous and should move with a serpentine grace. Instead her character feels more like she'd pick a sledgehammer as her weapon of choice.

So close to being a good franchise, but just missing every time.


i understand where you're coming from but i'm actually glad that the Selene character relies on skill/smarts/etc. to win her fights rather than have her flashing her tits and/or using sex to disarm/win over her opponents. she's 100% sexy as it is in the outfit. IMO she shouldn't resort to porn film type distractions (in dealing with her enemies) to survive. i'm glad she doesn't objectify herself more than some people think she may already be doing.


Selene is still pretty feline and has a kind of vampiric grace in the way she moves even if she is karate chopping the crap out of someone. There's a clear difference between the way she fights and moves and the way the lycans do for example.

What exactly were you hoping to see? She was clearly sexy in the movie -- she was wearing skintight leather the whole time, lol.


I would guess these movies appeal to a more female audience at this point. My gf dragged me to Blood Wars (which I had no desire to see but she's still obsessed with this series for some reason), and it seemed like the more exploitative scenes would be focused on buff dudes and their six packs, while the female characters were viewed from a more serious angle. It reminded me of those romantic comedies where there will be one homely lady with three guys that look like male models obsessed with her and competing for her love, or on the other side one of those Adam Sandler movies where he looks like Adam Sandler but has a wife that looks like a supermodel. It's like you can tell what audience they're aiming for by which gender is being objectified.

Hack The Planet!


The correlation between vampires and sexuality is a relatively modern thing. Stories of vampires have been around for many, many hundreds of years, originating in Eastern Europe and The Balkans. The modern romanticized interpretations of vampires bare nothing in common with how they were originally envisioned. Prior to the early 19th Century, vampires of legend and myth were described as hideous creatures of the night - basically reanimated corpses with savage beast-like qualities. Kinda like the zombies of their day but faster and more agile. However by the early 19th Century, authors like John William Polidori, Bram Stoker and others thoroughly reinvented the popular image of vampires. Vampires were given human like qualities. They were romantic and sensuous. They were elegant, sophisticated, and intelligent. They were members of aristocracy and lived in castles and mansions. The males were strikingly handsome and suave. The females were very beautiful and enchanting. They use their beauty, charm, and hypnotic powers to lull their victims. When preying on a victim of the opposite sex, they drain the life from them like they were making love. That image has since been reinforced into the public imagination starting with films in the early 20th Century and continuing into the 21st Century.

As for Kate, I guess she is never given much opportunity to play up the sexy lady vampire card in Underworld. Her character, Selene is simply too busy fighting - whether for herself, her lover, her daughter, and her clan. Most of her fellow vampires live a dull hedonistic existence. For them, sex, lavish entertainment, grand parties, and gossip is how they pass their days away. But Selene is first and foremost a warrior, possibly the greatest of her kind, always in a state of war. It's her raison d'etre. She oozes violence from her pores. Her clothes - a skintight catsuit and corsette resembling a dominatrix's outfit - evokes images of S&M. So even her sensuality is intermixed with the ideas of violence and pain.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.


weirdozmedia, or the 20 kajillion movies and tv shows that have a fat man married to/dating a thin attractive younger woman (The Honeymoooners, The Flinstones, Family Guy, King of Queens, etc. etc. etc. etc)???

i'm a fan of this franchise and i don't really recall men being objectified in any of the films (at least not any more than the women are...which is really hardly at all).


Kate is gorgeous and drop dead sexy in these movies. She doesn't even need to try, she just has to step on screen. The whole leather-clad, gothic vampire look really works for her, and she's definitely at her sexiest. So she doesn't even need to "be" sexy in these movies, she just is.
