Reboot in 5 years

Lets this pile sit for 5 years then reboot as a Rated R, cool, chill, mysterious hard core version.



Starring Alexandra Daddario, she of the unnaturally blue eyes.


Agreed, and let's not kill off all the strongest and most important characters in the first go around, sheesh. The chronology and unforseen success tricked the writers into blowing their load far too soon. This franchise is a mess. Such potential, and interesting storylines muddied with poor direction. This needs a reboot.


Beckinsale cameo as an elder vampire


Well sometimes small success stories like these end up victims of that success. People behind-the-scenes start to lose touch with what made it so great in the first place. Unfortunately it's becoming all too common with success stories like these, whether on the big screen or on television. If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it. Creative types tend to get too stubborn though.


Underworld should be rebooted. And as a TV show. I think the premise lends itself much more to that story telling format.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"
