MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > Feels like they lost connection to the p...

Feels like they lost connection to the previous films

Aside from Selene, I really did not care about some of the characters, even though the previous films were not that stellar, you had a connection with some of the characters like Victor, Kraven and Michael. One of the aspects of Underworld Awakening was that you had a connection to at least one of the surviving characters from the previous film aside from Selene, which was Michael and the hope that Selene could be reunited with him as well as her daughter. In this film, aside from Selene, there were no characters that you really cared about, you never really got Marius back story and I think in hindsight, they should have at least established the Eastern Coven and had a character cross over, like Kraven, to run the coven. Most of the characters in this film felt under developed, in fact the whole script felt under developed with characters serving as plot devices.


I get what you're saying and I mostly agree, although David, at least, is a welcome addition for me. Varga could be cool too if given more screen-time. I wish they hadn't killed some of the villains; they were cool, but they didn't even give them a chance to develop.


I do agree with you about bringing back great characters and not just killing everyone off with no real thought to the next film. I actually think it's been one of the series bigger problems. I actually disagree with you about there not being any interesting characters though. The Semira characters literally took me in every scene she was in. Just amazing! Even critics that hated the film praised her left and right. I too thought Varga was great in a underused role. Wanted to see more with him. Marius was somewhat disappointing since he literally had no backstory. I thought the actor was good though. Wasn't that crazy about the supernatural angle given to Lena, and not sure if I want to see more of her because of it. I actually thought she'd have a bigger role based on the trailer and wanted more from her here. I actually liked Alexia too. Film felt too rushed at times, which hurt character development.


Valid concerns


In the words of Bilbo baggins, they were trying to spread butter over too much bread. in other words, they had only an hour and a half and they tried to just introduce a whole new cast of new characters, give a little bit of development and potential to them instead of really making a few real juicy characters. If 6 does come, make a smaller sweeter plate.


Corvinus strain was mentioned.
Amelia, Viktor, and Markus appeared in portraits.
And, Amelia, Amelia, Amelia! The movie gave me more Amelia. That's a pleasant surprise, more than I ever asked for.
Also, the capital letters A, V, M are seen in the main chamber of the coven. I applaud Anna's attention to details.
And, let's not forget Blood memories, a prevalent element throughout the series.
There are more connections than I can count. And you didn't see any of them...

Effective trolling is art.


I'd have rather them not have used Michael at all, given the *beep* and completely illogical treatment he got.
