MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > Will there be an underworld 6?

Will there be an underworld 6?

What do you guys think?


I hope so. The numbers didn't look great at the box office, but they may not mean anything if overseas does well. I like every film exactly equally!


The trivia section says it was thought this would be the last but that Len Wiseman is working on another with Beckinsale reprising her role.


He said that a long time ago... Len and Kate have since divorced and he doesn't work on underworld anymore


I'm going to say no, the overseas numbers haven't been great and now it's absolutely tanking in Japan.


Nope, at best it'll be rebooted in some format.



except this one had hardly any promoting


Production costs for UW5 are about the same as the first UW. After DVD sales and such, they might turn a profit and justify a 6th UW. Just continue filming in Eastern Europe, and hire the locals as extras and production staff.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.


Yes, yes!

Now that Selene's story is concluded, there are many directions to go.

1. A spinoff about the Nordic coven;
2. A movie about Eve's lonely years of hiding from the world;
3. A prequel about Amelia;
4. A prequel about Selene when she was a newly made vampire (if Kate returns or passes the torch to Lily, who would also make a wonderful Death Dealer Selene);
5. A prequel about Kraven and Lucian's pact;
6. A spinoff about Varga (or his exile by the vampires after what he did in Blood Wars).

Effective trolling is art.


my desires for a final movie are well known, but I do think the above ideas need to be addressed. whether it be in a comic book, or anime, or even just flashbacks.


I'm surprised they didn't make a second prequel right after RotL based off that story. That would've been amazing!


I hope not, after 14 years it's time Underworld just died. These last two movies haven't been all that great. I'll admit this was a step above Awakening but the problem with this movie is that it's a direct sequel to Awakening.

I didn't care about David then and I don't now. Also found it really hard to care about Marius. In thr first movie the war was a personal vendetta for Lucien. Marius was just another weird bag cg Lycan thing.

Also when your protagonist feels like a side character in her own movie you have a serious problem.


There is still no progress in the vampire-lycanthrope war of attrition. So there’s still enough things they could play with in another installment, but at least Selene gets closure if they don’t. Marius & Semira (but not her faithless boytoy?) get slain, so they’ll need brand antagonists. If they do make Underworld 6, it had better be about Eve leading the mongrel hybrids to wipe out the vamps & lycans once & for all … IN SPAAAACE!!!!

I'm almost clever!


or she could turn both sides into space lol


I wish Robert Rodriguez would try his hand at an Underworld film. He has experience with Sci-Fi, action, and horror. He keeps budgets relatively low. He's known for over-the-top violence and mayhem.

When I'm good, I'm GOOD. When I'm bad, I'm BETTER.


Don't care one way or another. If they returned to what made me like the franchise in the first place (characters, story, lore) then I'd say yes. If they just want to do more Resident Evil style movies (like Awakening and Blood Wars) then I'd say pass.


I hope eve plays a larger role in part 6.


Don't care about Eve. Nothing but a Michael rip-off. And considering they are treating her character the same as Michael, that just confirms it even more.
