MovieChat Forums > Underworld: Blood Wars (2017) Discussion > Box office: This movie made over 70 mill...

Box office: This movie made over 70 millions

$72,216,118, to be exact.

Not bad. A bit underwhelming, though. But the third xXx film coming out this weekend, and Resident Evil: Final Chapter next week, I doubt it would receive as much money as before. They would be lucky if it reaches around 80 millions. Did it open in other countries yet? Other than the ones in November and December, of course.

I'm a supporter of LGBT.


It opened in the UK on Friday. From what my IMDb is showing, it didn't even crack the top ten, though someone here said that it was only limited release in the UK. Ridiculous.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


Yeah that was me, cinemas have said it's cause of so many releases we're getting. La la land came out the same day and it's massive here and then split xXx 3 and Jackie and lion all out next week. Packed schedule


That's true. I guess I'll have to go see it again! I have a couple friends who still want to see it. I don't really care about anything else that's coming out. It just sucks because as I think I said on that thread, there weren't a lot of people when I went in Leeds on opening day, and I didn't even see a poster or anything for yet. Sony seems to be putting all the money/promotion into Resident Evil. That movie got premieres in Japan and everything, and UW didn't even get an LA one.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


Better be quick mate. Last showings at my local odeon are tomorrow. 1 week only! LA LA land is to blame. Absolutely loved underworld though.


Vue still has it showing next week but cut down to 1 or 2 showings a day after the weekend. Insane.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


The movie hasn't opened here in France yet ! It will be on 15th February (that's so long to wait, grrrr !). And it will be released in Italy on 30th March apparently (that's even more late !).

But I'm really concerned about the lack of advertising in France as well. I've seen many movies in my cinema lately, and there was no trailer for Blood Wars yet ! Just a poster in the cinema. However I saw a trailer for Resident Evil twice.
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Million not millions.


Million not millions.

You forgot a comma.

Million, not millions.

There. 👆

I'm a supporter of LGBT.


$72,216,118, to be exact.

I really do believe they are a few millions more. Because the international numbers (before the USA release and others this month) weren't updated for some quite time.

Jean-Claude Van Damme & Neve Campbell FOREVER!!!


It's played in a lot of foreign countries already. I'm guessing somewhere around 30-40. Someone already mentioned France, and I don't think it's played China or Japan yet. Still has some money to make, but it appears to be running on fumes. I think it'll do around 85-90 million gross maybe.


It opened in 24th place in Japan and because of the supernatural element it likely won't get a release in China.


I think you're right! I just noticed several of them still haven't been updated yet. I was only thinking of domestic in my original post...for the most part.

I'm a supporter of LGBT.


I'm more than positively sure this movie will pass 90 million. I don't know if it will reach 100. My prediction is that there are still some 20 million left in the US, and some 5 to 10 million in the overseas market. If you look at the numbers for the third week domestically, you'll notice that Blood Wars seems to be recovering from past week (surely word of mouth had something to do with that). So it should end its run with 90 to 95 million worldwide.


How in the WORLD do you think there's still another 20 to be made in the US? It opened at about 13 in its first weekend, barely did 6 (7 if you include the Monday holiday) in the second, and is sitting at only a total of about 25. This thing starts leaving theaters this week, and then Sony/Screen Gems will completely abandon it to give screens to their own Resident Evil the following weekend.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


I've said I'm more than positively sure and I promise to eat my words if I'm mistaken. Maybe it will end around 40 million domestically and I fail my predicyion, but Blood Wars has seen quite an uplift this week so far.


No, it hasn't. It really, REALLY hasn't. It fell from 4th place the first weekend to 9th place in its second weekend with a percentage drop in the high 50s. It held stronger than usual from Sunday to Monday because of the holiday, but it still isn't much. It'll start purging screens this weekend and the studio itself will cut off what's left of its legs for Resident Evil to give that more screens.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


So, this thing has been in the grave for a couple of weeks now. You said something about words and eating them?

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


Yeah, I did. And unfortunately I have to eat them. Really poor marketing moves and support from Sony. Shame. Still, I hope it can make at least 85 million worldwide, although I don't think it can make 82 now.


I hope so, but I somehow doubt it would happen, sadly. Yes, it did suffer a bit, but it seems to be improving, but I fear that the third xXx film and Resident Evil: Final Chapter will slow it down to a stop (domestically), which seems likely, even though it will still play for at least two, three more weeks. Maybe longer. I can imagine it can make about two, three more millions this week, probably 200,000 to 500,000 next week and probably 100,000 in three weeks. It's what I think.

Foreign sales will continue to climb, though, since it hasn't been released in all the countries yet, according to others in this thread.

Who knows. We'll see if it can make another million tomorrow.

I'm a supporter of LGBT.


It is COMPLETELY dead in a week. It doesn't matter what you think, because that is a cold, hard fact. Screen Gems/Sony distributes both this and the Resident Evil movies, and this movie hasn't performed well at all, so whatever first-run screens they haven't pulled this from this weekend (today's the last day for Underworld at my theater) will surely be given up for RE next week. While that movie's chance at success is questionable, it's a better bet at this point for them to put all their efforts behind that and just leave Underworld to die.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.


Not bad.

Should be enough for SONY to greenlight a 6th movie.

Effective trolling is art.


It cost $35m, and taken to date $72m.
Publicity costs seem to be very low too.

Basically, they seem to be looking to aim this one as much towards DVD&BluR as much as the cinemas for its market. And seems they've judged that right.
By the time it finishes its cinema rollout, it'll be in profit.

So #6 seems likely, if they don't take forever in deciding to greenlight it.


Profit is one thing, but this is shaping up to be the lowest earner of the entire franchise, and DVD and Blu-Ray sales are NOWHERE near where they used to be. This isn't 2004 when that sort of thing made a difference. There was also more time between this and the previous one than there was between any of the other films, but rather than create that much more of a demand, it seems to have lost some of its audience along the way. It's possible that this series has completely lost its momentum. This movie may not have lost money, but it is certainly not a hit, and its box office performance has not indicated in any way that there's that much of a demand for more. I wouldn't be surprised, if this series continues, if it goes the straight-to-DVD/Blu-Ray/VOD/Netflix route.

Child of the Eighties.
Man of the Nineties.
Man-Child of the Twenty-First Century.
