
Did he live or die at the end?


I thought he'd die redemptively when he saved david from Marius, but I seem to remember someone stopping marius from killing him


I thought the same thing. I don't remember seeing him after that scene though.


He lived. They showed him after the fighting was done.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


Yeah, he helps move some of the vampires out of the way of the latest volley of those ultraviolet rounds they were blasting into the walls. Then he sees David going mano-et-mano with Marius, and he dives in to get Marius away from David (since, as he said, he swore an oath to protect and serve the leader of the Eastern Coven, which he now knows is David), and he is growling in Marius's face and is clearly about to be dog chow when Selene shows up all ghost-like and with her back-up, the Nordic Coven members. But I'm pretty sure he was with the group who were still standing when Selene and David had Marius's head and told the Lykans to take a hike. So I'd say it is safe to count him as living.

PS: Did anyone else think he looked like he had to shut off his emotions and was dead in the eyes when Semira ordered him to shoot the people Selene was training? Just seeing how he was in the fight beside David vs. how he was fighting at Semira's side against Thomas, then seeing him when he's reloading Selene's guns and Semira has to remind him of his orders a couple times while he seems to be stalling, almost as if trying to either think of something else or to give Selene a chance to get up- or even reminding himself that he took and oath to serve and this was going to serve the greater good, it just all made me think that Varga absolutely did not want to be at Semira's bidding (really, who could?). He almost strikes me as being like Selene's friend who designed the weapons, from the first UNDERWORLD movie, that he followed orders even when he disagreed with them and was very loyal to the Coven.

"There is still hope." - Arwen


that made him an interesting character, but not much time given to him. It reminded me of Jamie Lannister from Game of Thrones. Under the spell of an evil woman, but also reminded of his vows as a knight, and proving himself loyal in battle. He still should have gotten punished for murdering the death dealers (in the next movie let's hope) but then did all his heroism. If there is a final one I hope he comes back.


I'm 100% sure he lived. I don't remember the specifics, but I do remember seeing him standing there at the end. I watched the movie for him, so I kept good track of him. ;-)

He was being emotionally, mentally, and sexually abused by Semira. It was clear from the beginning that he didn't want to do all of those things, but he was following orders because he didn't know what else to do. Bradley James is a brilliant actor with the most expressive face. I think that's why they focused on his face so many times, even when he wasn't speaking - to show he was conflicted (or maybe not conflicted, exactly, but didn't know how to get out of his situation) and miserable with Semira. He didn't have to say a word to show what he was feeling. I love it that he finally stood up to her at the end, but I actually wish he had been the one to kill Semira.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


I'll take your word for it, because I was too busy looking at Lara Pulver the whole time. :p


No, he didn't die.

A spinoff about Varga would be nice!

Effective trolling is art.


After the trauma that was Lowell on iZombie, I am gratified to say that Varga lived.

If there is an Underworld 6, it will be interesting to see how Varga and Selene get along.


Don't forget Arthur! I was shocked that he lived.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


I watched Merlin on SyFy so I already knew that the ending was going to be a weepfest.

iZombie I watched on CW. For some reason, my station cut the bit where Blaine puts the gun to Lowell's head, so it wasn't clear what had happened. So the next day, I watched the episode online at the cw website. AAAGH MAJOR TRAUMA SCARRED FOR LIFE.

So I may have checked to see if Varga lived before I went to see Underworld BW. Once burned, twice shy. 



I thought he was a great character and somewhat underused. Would have liked to have seen a little more of him. Kind of nice to see the series not just kill off everybody for once. Unfortunately they still have a tendency to kill off way too many interesting characters. I really wanted Semira to live. I thought she absolutely nailed her role, and looked great doing it. No disrespect to David, but I really wanted to see her tangle and interact with Seline more. If there is another one, I really hope they, the writers, remember the continuation this time and write Vargas back in though.


I thought Varga was underused as well, although I'm a bit biased as I like the actor.

Mind you, most of the new characters could have you used a bit more backstory. What made Marius such a great leader? The romance between him and Alexia could have used a lot more fleshing out. I remember being all awww poor babies over Lucian and Sonja. Whereas with Alexia, she was helping the lycans in their attempt to wipe out the Eastern coven, her own coven. Really? You want to peg the true villain of this movie, I'm nominating Alexia.


Haha I did the same. iZombie was how I discovered Bradley James, so that one was unexpected and so sad. By the time I watched Merlin, I knew how it ended, but it still wrecked me. Even if you know, you can never truly prepare.

Go with your heart, buddy. Our brains only screw things up.


I'm glad Varga lived, especially after Bradley James died in 2 of his previous roles (Merlin & iZombie). It would've also been nice to see some of Varga's backstory, like how he became Semira's toyboy. If there's a 6th Underworld movie it'll hopefully include lots of Varga and his story.
