Michael (spoilers)

Michael cannot be dead. He has already been proven to be unkillable, unless Marius somehow managed to overpower him (ridiculous, given that Michael pretty much made William his bitch AND ripped apart regular werewolves like paper mache; Marius would be a tick to him) AND rip him to shreds. If they seriously expect us to buy that he could die by a common bunch of Lycans, they're deluded.


I was about to post this exact thing! They give us this half ass flashback not showing how they caught Michael. Because they damn well know no one could stop him. It's lazy ass writing and disrespectful to the fans.


Maybe he was in a weakened state after Underworld Awakening.



Which no one would buy. We saw Selene come out of stasis and she was fine physically. Why would it be different for Michael, especially since he is more powerful than Selene.


He must have died of blood loss. Losing blood weakens immortals, and apparently, losing 100% of their blood kills them, rather than merely incapacitating them.

When Thomas and David were discussing Selene while her blood was being drained, they agreed that it would be fatal if enough blood were drained. If it were simply a matter of putting some blood back in to revive her, she would have been in no danger of death.


Losing all their blood puts them into hybernation. That's how it worked for the elders. Which technically is death because unless you give them blood they stay dried up tomatoes forever.

For Michael this wouldn't even work since his body, despite extreme blood loss, seems to be able to repair itself.


Losing all their blood puts them into hybernation. That's how it worked for the elders. Which technically is death because unless you give them blood they stay dried up tomatoes forever.

For Michael this wouldn't even work since his body, despite extreme blood loss, seems to be able to repair itself.

I was thinking the exact same thing.
I was also thinking it was just lazy writing.


The Elders look like they lost some blood when preparing for hibernation, but I really doubt that they drained all of it.

Some blood loss --> weakening
More blood loss --> hibernation
Total blood loss --> death


The Elders have no blood. Where would it come from? Their organs are shut down completely. We see this as Selene gets Viktor out of hybernation. His heart doesn't start beating until she gives him blood. And they look like a mummy in that state. So they have no blood but while they aren't alive they aren't dead either while in hybernation.


I'm really hoping he's not dead. I love Michael and Selene together.


Michael was a horrible cartoonish character portrayed by a bad actor, god he alone helped kill this franchise.



Might want to apply the WTF to your comment. Because it makes no sense what you just said. How can someone kill a franchise when they are not even in it?


Right, cause the first two movies were the bad ones smfh.
Like him or hate him, that was a *beep* sendoff.


In terms of the story, yeah it was an extremely cheap way to send off the character. They'd already built him up as unkillable, super monster, but then I guess they either decided Kate was enough to hold the franchise, or Scott Speedman, the actor that played Michael, wanted more money or wasn't desired by the directors.

Either way its a stupid move for a franchise like this. While this movie is similar in a fashion to the Resident Evil movies, it was also more gothic romance than anything else. And you just can't have a romance without the other lead.


Maybe Selene doesn't know that Michael can come back even from 100% bloodloss. After all, she did say that no one like him had existed before so there was no telling exactly what the limits of his strength were. It could always be used, in a future installment, to tell her that he's alive so she seeks him out and battles to save him, only to find him in a highly weakened state. That he's had most of his blood taken, with servants of U:BW's villain still keeping Michael drained enough to make him unable to fight back or heal himself, so he's in a state similar to how the Elders were held during their 'off-centuries'. Dessecated until Selene comes to rescue him, with Eve and David along for the ride, and they save him from these minions, the new villain, and bring him back to living with Selene, being able to be a father to Eve.

I can dream.

"There is still hope." - Arwen


I'll be sad if that's not Underworld 6^^


leesilm, i would LOVE that to be the storyline/plot for UW6 (if it ever gets made).


Yes, his death can be heartbreaking to fans.
But from a narrative point of view, it is good, reasonable, and necessary. This major character death perfectly depicts the brutal world of the franchise, just like Game of Thrones, where even main characters can be killed off.
Otherwise, it will be a happy ending like Twilight, whose target audience is children & teenagers.
Underworld is brutal. It's for adult audience. We are adults. We can take it.

Rest in peace, Michael.

Effective trolling is art.


Really???? Reasonable and necessary.... his death was part of a 4 second flashback ffs.
There was ZERO explanation, and for a MAJOR character it should've had SOME sort of explanation on how he ended up there.


Michael and Selen story was finished with Underworld Evolution. I Liked a lot RIse of the Lycans. After that the last two are complete failures!!


I wasn't buying it either. At the very least, he deserved a better death.
