MovieChat Forums > Elle (2016) Discussion > Shot on Arri Alexa or RED ?

Shot on Arri Alexa or RED ?

Here it says RED:

Here ARRI Alexa:

Does anybody know ? Source ?


As someone who has experience with cameras, I'd say it looked more like an Alexa to me.


Given the type of movie this is, who in the name of **** cares what kind of camera was used? Elle is a deeply provocative work intended for adults. Save your latest nerdy/techie questions for all that Marvel junk.


The OP stated two links that show people who care about the cameras, who should be adults that find Elle to be as provocative as you did.


Every filmmaker - and I mean EVERY filmmaker - will always wonder the types of cameras used for the films they watch - whether low budget indie films or Hollywood blockbusters and everything in between. Cameras have different looks to them, as do the lenses used (20, 35, 50, 85, 105, 24-70, 70-200 mm and COUNTLESS others) and their brands (Canon, Nikon, Carl Zeiss, Samyang, Sigma, Cooke, etc.). Directors and DOPs carefully choose what they use (of course, depending on the budget) as these help convey the different aimed effects that they wish to project upon the viewers - no matter the size of the movie.

So no. Don't try to sound like a pretentious cinephile tramping on some comic book nerd, as you're the on in the wrong. If you consider yourself a regular film enthusiast/expert or - even worse - an aspiring filmmaker, then you have a very long way to go.

The OP asked questions that the likes of Spielberg, Scorsese, Kubrick, and Verhoeven himself would have asked before making one of their films or after watching something that caught their eye.

PS - don't you even consider giving me *beep* for the list of directors I wrote of the top of my head because they're not obscure enough and mainstream examples. I could name countless others as well.


Of course filmakers have an interest in what type of equipment was used but I was questioning why the ordinary viewer would ever care. And why even ask this question since every regular visitor to this site knows that tech. Information for a movie is provided on the first page for any movie.

