MovieChat Forums > Elle (2016) Discussion > The French and guns

The French and guns

At 1:20 in the trailer she is firing an obviously unloaded gun, oK. But she then points its muzzle at the friend to whom she is talking. These film makers need to take a basic NRA course and know you don't point guns at your friend at the range like that. a US firing range she would be thrown out.

By the way if a woman is raped in France and has the guy still at large, she can't get a simple five shot revolver for six months, that is the minimum time period. And she could never carry it no matter what training.In the US if you need one the maximum is some training that can be arranged in a week, background check and at most ten day wait.




Why can't the gun have just 1 bullet? And she does not point it at the guy, she points it towards the firing range (you're confused by perspective which is hard in the shadow, but you can see the position of her body). And she's not carrying or owning a gun, only firing one at a range. Moreover, the rape is irrelevant if nobody knows about it. You obviously have not seen the movie.


She is definitely pointing the gun right at the guy while talking to him, which no white American gun owner would ever do whether the gun is loaded or not. That violates a cardinal rule of basic firearm safety. But since she is a city dweller from France it makes sense she woul behave that way.


What does "white American" have to do with it? I guess you think gun owners of other ethnicities would allow a first time shooter to point a loaded gun at them at near contact shot distance, finger on the trigger while distracted in conversation, playfully tapping the gun with her other hand to accentuate her speech.

Because of the difference in firearm culture, there are much less gun owners in Europe. But on average, those who do exist tend to be more responsible than those in the US. The types of accidents that happen at US ranges, such as young kids shooting their parents, are unheard of in Europe.

since she is a city dweller from France it makes sense she woul behave that way.

This is not about how she would be inclined to behave as a first time shooter, it's about how her instructor would allow her to behave. But you knew that already.


Which part of "who cares?" wasn't explained to you?


Given that she never reports the rape she is not going to prevented getting a gun by the police because the rapist hasn't been caught.


Why in the world doesn't this woman get a security alarm? It seems like an obvious first step. But no, maybe a 44 would be a better idea.
