Surprisingly enjoyable

Saw this recently and was very pleasantly surprised. I don't reckon to actively engage with Woody Allen films but I will watch anything that Phoenix is in. As usual his characterisation was excellent and he played a lacklustre, troubled middle-aged professor very well.
I didn't know much about the story and so wasn't sure where it was going but it all kicked off as suspected, when the 'irrational man' made his rational decision.
As Phoenix often portrays characters who are either (or become) unhinged, murder or die, it made sense that some (if not all) of these fates befell him. The scene where his character gets his (ahem) comupence was still a well played shock.
For such a cerebral and word-heavy film, I didn't find that his character spent much time at all thinking or talking about his decisions and actions. Stone's character seemed to spend more efforts on this subject, whereas I found the perpetrator to be very laid back and accepting - but maybe that was the point. Either he'd come to such a breaking point and really didn't feel much anymore or was so pleased that such action had not only benefitted others but had given him a new lease of life. Unfortunately for him it wasn't to last - either he just wasn't cut out for it or it was a bit of a karmic accident.
I was also surprised and pleased that it was one film where he wasn't to be seen with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth - and neither was anyone else which was refreshing.
