
Why is the genre listed as Mystery?


I really don't know....but I'm sure it's wrong.


Yeah, I agree. You'd think someone at IMDb would have changed it, especially with all of the press this movie is getting (at least - compared to last year's "Magic in the Moonlight").

"How the hell do I know why there were Nazis? I don’t know how the can opener works!"


There is no 'Mystery' this is a fairly good black comedy.


Actually some are guessing it is a mystery, but they are trying to keep it as a surprise, and that why the trailer was so straight forward.


From what I've read, it is a murder mystery

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


Intersting.... Maybe that's what they heard going on at the table behind them in the trailer.


There have been rumors about the film being a murder mystery. If that's true, than I'm definetly excited for this film. If not... meh.

Shut the door. Have a seat.


I think the will of life of the professor isn't about being in love wtih a young woman at all. I think it has to do with something we just didn't see in the trailer. I hope so. I'm excited about Cannes, can't wait what the first people will say.

"Life is the ultimate work of art". - Woody Allen (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)


Your intuition serves you well...


How dare you



Oh, I dare. I dare!

(Of course, it would be nice to know what I was daring to do.)


Welp, reviews came in and it's a murder

"Life is the ultimate work of art". - Woody Allen (Vicky Cristina Barcelona)


In "Irrational Man,"Joaquin Phoenix plays a mysterious philosophy professor who murders a stranger for ethically dubious reasons -

"a malcontent who knows how to spell"


I don't know but there appear to be a lot of spoilers in the comments. I've been in here for 90 seconds at most and have seen more than a few. Too bad.


im convinced this trailer is intentionally bland... they used what they could without giving anything away to put together the trailer and hid the rest of the plot like they did in midnight in paris

woody's films often have twists and turns and i don't think this is just about these two people walking around campus talking...

plus the head of cannes film festival tried talking woody into submitting it for competition which everyone knows he hates... that tells me there's something special about this

we will know soon enough


Agreed. The trailer for Blue Jasmine was also quite vague. And remember the impact Match Point had when it was unveiled at Cannes with very little fanfare?


Match Point was so fantastic. Definetly my on top 3 Woody Allen films.


How *beep* dare you


Oh, I dare. I dare!

(Of course, it would be nice to know what I was daring to do.)


Yeah, some big event happens and it changes Joaquin's outlook or something and Emma tags along. That's why I think the trailers are also not really saying much


To me the mystery is why he cast Emma Stone again. She was the weak link in his last movie.


Because it is one? (Clue: The mystery isn't "who done it?")


The mystery is why Woody would go back to the same old tiresome themes after making "Midnight in Paris" and "Blue Jasmine," which were wonderful movies.


It is just a mystery.
