Great movie

Strange it has such a low rating, but then this is probably not the vapid kind of movie their commercial box offices successes portend for this couple. Pretty adult and mature subject matter dealt with with subtlety and style. Amazingly beautiful location and emotional music. I give it a 9/10 ... but I just watched it on HBO too, so maybe that is a bit high.


I enjoyed this movie too. It touched on many delicate aspects of a man-woman relationship. It's funny how everyone here is picking apart Angelina Jolie rather than discussing the film itself. If it were played by a different couple it would've gotten better reviews.


-- If it were played by a different couple it would've gotten better reviews.

Maybe, but maybe it is just one of those kinds of movies that has that effect on people. Any woman in that role, or any imbalance in the right or wrong aspect of the story is going to set people off.


Agreed. Great film. Tough story and attention to detail. Eg tilting the sunglasses
