MovieChat Forums > Fack ju Göhte 2 (2015) Discussion > 18 Million Euro after 2 weeks - deserved...

18 Million Euro after 2 weeks - deserved?

I haven't watched the movie (yet), but from the criticism I've heard/read, this is a rather bad and generic movie. Yet it is one of Germany's most successful movies of this year. So, I wonder - why the success and to some extent - hype - around this generic product of the German film industry?

The movie has been in the press and its "stars" on promotion tours all over the country. They are selling a product, but not a love of labor or of intelligent writing. Even a comedy can have intelligent writing - some might say: especially a comedy can have it.

I am puzzled how a movie can be so mediocre while at the same time getting pushed and flattered by the media. Why does the mainstream media always unite in their opinions, instead of being more critical and actually being a guide to viewers, instead of a help to production companies and studios?

The essence of this development is that filmmakers in Germany will have even less faith in original concepts and very few will be able to withstand the urge to incorporate "hip" and "social" topics into their movies, which don't add one ounce of interest or meaning to the story. There are few exceptions in Germany. We do have great creative people, like Sebastian Schipper, but the main bulge of developers WANT projects like "Fack ju Goethe", because they can create them at little to no risk, knowing the media and subsequently the public will hype them for no reason. It is really like the interest is in hyping the movie, not watching it.


I'm sorry, what was your question again?
