Anyone else sick of this??

Am I the only one who is getting sick of the same character in all the terrible hollywood horror films these days? Anyone else noticed how they make ALL the "scary" evil ghosts/entities look like the japanese girl from the ring and other films?? When I see it I just wanna walk out or stop the film if I'm watching at home. They ALL look exactly the same..Long black hair (Ok Myrtu had blonde hair but was exatly the same in every other way) covering half and sometimes the whole face, Skinny and crawling along the floor like a spider so we now apparently accept that all evil entities crawl around like spiders?? Ffs is there nobody left with creativity in their souls these days? Why do they have to keep copying the same formula that became boring YEARS ago. Thoughts guys....?


Because it works on the next generation 13 year old.


Hadn't thought of that lol good point ;)
