I think

A main downfall of Atari right in 1982 and 1983 was the VCR. People didn't want to continually change the hook up as it was much harder in those days. Just my opinion though, nothing more.


I could just switch from TV/VCR to Atari with the flip of a switch. I was a kid so I didn't hook everything up, my dad did that. So I don't know if he did anything special, but I know we had one of those Atari switches, and I'm guessing he just ran the TV antenna through the VCR, which went to the Atari switch.

See you guys at the 10 year prison reunion - Ben Richards


Well. Chalk that up to another thing my dad failed at. (Wah waah)


There were many factors that led to the downfall of Atari. However, that was not one of them. We had a Betamax and Atari connected to our TV, was easy to switch between they two devices.
