Worst 'evil' spirit ever

I guess they couldn't afford a decent CGI studio to get a decent 'ghost'/'spirit'.
How the hell can you break a bottle on a ghost's/spirit's head..?

Ghosts/spirits have no physical bodies or feel pain unless they possess someone and Moira didn't possess someone..

"Gar nicht so übel, du kleine Schlampe. Man sieht sich immer zweimal, Kleine."


It wasn't a ghost. That's the point. Watch the movie again. It was a metaphor for the audience


The 'ghost' can do whatever the writer states. She was sort of like Queenie from American Horror Story in that she had to be hurt herself to hurt others (which is kinda cool.) Difference is, she felt it *every* time. She had to take the pain herself to inflict it, and still chose to do so.


Nobody complained the countless times Freddy Krueger has been hurt or killed in the physical world with normal objects. But you'll complain about this one little scene?
