MovieChat Forums > Ascension (2014) Discussion > The show had potential but the acting. M...

The show had potential but the acting. My god

The sets looked great and I liked the concept but the acting so bad all around it was hard to sit through


It's not a tv show it's a mini-series. Obviously you haven't seen sharknado 1, sharknado 2, or sharknado 3. Don't worry they're making sharknado 4 do you can get an idea it is a cult follower thing. Like if you've ever seen how scary devoted Community fans are well SyFy has bad sci-fi and horror straight to tv poor acting , special effects, and ridiculous stories fans. I didn't get it still sometimes I don't but get a pizza then get stoned and watch something like Anacondigator. For the record I made that one up but their are a lot of SyFy movies with names like that. Then you'll understand it doesn't need to make sense, have a huge cgi budget, or even have actors you recognize cause all they need is a ridiculous thought and an idiot willing to pay for it.


Agreed! It could be retitled "Bad acting, Canadian accents, and Plastic Surgery: the series!"


I'm just wondering what you call "good acting" in the part of the world you're living in. Seriously, there's nothing wrong with it compared to most TV series coming from the US...


Seriously, there's nothing wrong with it compared to most TV series

Seriously....there IS.



Half of the acting was fine, some even good, but I agree, way too much bad acting. Almost made me give up too.


For me, it was just the girl playing 'Christa'. Really bad acting, that kinda made me hate the character and not like the show in general.
Didn't really see much else that was really bad. Mostly mediocre and above - I was entertained at least.
