MovieChat Forums > The BFG (2016) Discussion > Is Spielberg losing his touch?

Is Spielberg losing his touch?

If I just randomly watched this movie without knowing it was Spielberg I would have never guessed he was the director.The directing and way it was filmed just felt out of his style.Does anyone else feel that way?


Not at all this is actually clasic Spielberg. Think back to a movie like Hook and this is right in line with that style only better.


Unfortunately, Hook is Spielberg's worst film (yes, worse than 1941, Always, The Lost World and KOTCS).

David Bowie (1947-2016)
Alan Rickman (1946-2016)
Prince (Rogers Nelson) (1958-2016)


I'm aware Hook received poor reviews from critics and is his lowest rated on RT but that doesn't make it his worst movie as it was very well received by audiences and has survived and is remembered fondly where films like Always have been essentially forgotten and trust me when I say 1941 and Always are both worse than Hook.


Hook is GARBAGE!!!


That is inaccurate. That's like saying Lotr The Fellowship of the Ring is a terrible film. Delusional movie hater are we? ;)


LOTR is over-rated, though not terrible.

But Hook was flat out Terrible.


I thought "Hook" was better.


Watch it with some kids and see them enjoy it. Nobody cares what anybody over 12 thinks of it. It was made for kids.


Agreed. Everyone in my age group fondly remembers "Hook"; especially Williams and Julia's performance. Critical-flop or not, it definitely carved out its place among the 90s Disney classics.


Except Hook is not a Disney movie...


Hook is my favorite Pan movie.

o.O| He Knows no Fear.He knowS no Danger.He knows Nothing. |O.o


"Very well received by audiences" ? I don't know if that is true, but even if it was, how would that be a sign of quality?


It can be a sign of quality, absolutely. Just because certain really bad movies are able to generate a large audience, that does not mean that all good movies bomb and all bad movies are well received by audiences. That's a very destructive image of cinema. Overall, good movies do well with audiences and bad movies make the biggest bombs. Not that a good movie can't bomb because of other factors, or a bad movie can't be a massive succes (name your own examples). But this silly oversimplification that good=no audience is utterly destructive for film in general. Critics are wrong pretty much as much as audiences - we often call those movies cult-classics. Movies where the critics were blind to its virtues while the public embraced it (either immediately or years after the fact)

reply me when I say 1941 and Always are both worse than Hook.
I can understand why some viewers don't like 1941, but it is one of my favorite Spielberg films. I think Always and Hook are his worst films and I don't even like Schindler's list or Jurassic Park that much. I found his late 80's, early 90's era his least memorable for me.

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


1941 and Always are both worse than Hook

Speak for yourself. Always is a love story, a ghost story, and an airplane story, with Audrey Hepburn playing an angel. What's not to like?


Agree Always is a very nice movie, def. not a bad.


Hook was flat out terrible.


All those are great except Hook. I would count 1941 as one of my favorite films of his. Who the *beep* has anything bad to say about Always?


Yup, I've long argued that Hook is Spielberg's worst film. It's just so damn uninteresting. 1941 I feel is a close second. Always was just too old-fashioned to really catch hold, even back in 1989.

As for The Lost World and Indy 4, well, I can watch them, although Indy is a struggle.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I watched BFG and was enthralled all the way through. At the end when I saw Spielberg's name I said to myself "That explains why it was good."

Hook is a tremendous movie too as is AI and Tintin. The only movie of his that I would NEVER watch again is Jaws. I'm 6 years younger than Steven and have grown up catching most of his movies as they came out. He rarely makes a dud.


Spielberg has never had a good grasp on heavy CGI. It's just not what he's good at at.

Also, he loves to adapt stories many have never heard of or care about.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


Spielberg's grasp of 'heavy CGI' isn't too bad, is it? Jurassic Park was an undeniable trailblazer in terms of CGI, and his use of the technology in Minority Report was also top notch. I think it's more a case that Spielberg's willingness to embrace and rely on CGI is not where it could be compared to many modern directors.

As for adapting stories many have never heard of or care about, well, that's his prerogative. Jaws was based on a bestseller, as was Jurassic Park. The Color Purple was a Pulitzer Prize winner, Schindler's Ark won a Man Booker Prize (the highest literary award in the British Commonwealth), War of the Worlds is a true literary classic, so I don't really know what you are talking about there.

I'm not sure what your age is, but most people my age - I'm 36 - grew up on Roald Dahl books, The BFG included. It's not some obscure work that was chosen at random.

Never defend crap with 'It's just a movie'


I totally agree that the CGI is fine. And Spielberg movies always had great CGI from Jurassic Park to Minority report and BFG is no different. I just felt that the way it was filmed and the way the plot progressed was not at all in his style.


Have you seen this movie? The CGI is amazing. I loved Tintin too.


Not necessarily.

He released a movie with an ambiguous title based on a book that most Americans have probably never heard of and put it out alongside Finding Dory in the same year as "Civil War," "Batman v Superman" and "Suicide Squad." Jesus could've risen from the grave to direct this movie and it still wouldn't have stood a chance.


He released a movie with an ambiguous title based on a book that most Americans have probably never heard of

Are you being serious here?


You make me feel sorry for "most Americans" having missed some of the world's best children's literature.


He's definitely losing his touch at choosing exciting material. The man can direct any film he wants. No one is going stop him and his last two choices have been BRIDGE OF SPIES and this.

And the upcoming films on his plate don't inspire much confidence either - READY PLAYER ONE, INDIANA JONES 5 and a potential remake of WEST SIDE STORY (no, just no, Steven).

Proud member of the Pro-film Anti-digital Society (PFADS).


West Side Story sounds promising if they are smart about the tone of the movie and casting.

"Indiana Jones 5" is a ridiculous idea. Hollywood doesn't like to cast women over 30 (and has Jennifer Lawrence playing characters who are 10 years too old for her to play) but will resurrect the same tired actors from the grave again and again to play characters that no one wants to see anymore.


You didn't like Bridge of Spies??
I thought it was brilliant and one of his best of the past decade


In his later years, Spielberg has become pretentious and schmaltzy. I get the sense he's jaded and the spirit no longer moves him to entertain us, so instead he either lectures us or goes through the rote motions of cookbook audience manipulation. But he may one day look in a mirror and not like what he sees, and this could re-awaken some passion. IMHO "Ready Player One" has potential to be a great film, if only Spielberg can keep it heartfelt and organic and resist the temptation to make it either political or cute.


Agreed. I haven't really liked anything he's directed since Saving Private Ryan. It's mostly been hit and miss.

I really dislike when they put his name all over something like "Super 8", you go in expecting that good old Spielberg storytelling style and you're let completely down, at least I was. It happens to a lot of directors though, everybody rises, peaks and falls.


Spielberg has lost his touch, Bridge of spies & Lincoln were both boring & not as good as many of his movies. ROTCS was total dross. SPR wasn't that good either. He's lost his way. Look at what he has in the pipeline too, more crap.


Spielberg has lost his touch, Bridge of spies & Lincoln were both boring & not as good as many of his movies.

Bridge of Spies was excellent and Lincoln good if flawed.

I expect Indiana 5 and Ready Player one to be at least decent and Kidnapping of Edgardo Mortara to be excellent. The story is fascinating and I hope Spielberg manages to make a movie as ambivalent as Munich about it.


Saving Private Ryan was't that good? You're in the minority there. Haha. I loved Munich too. Amazing film.


He lost his touch a long time ago, say War of the Worlds.

Wut my name is....


War of the Worlds made me hate Spielberg and almost anxious to admit that Munich was a great movie.

How low can adults sink?? Just ask Sinister. He loves comics and hates women.


He is no longer the king of the summer box office, that has been the truth for quite some time now dating back at least til War of the Worlds. I had to bad mouth AI, because I think it's brilliant, but I also can't deny it was not a huge box office success. This almost seemed like a passion project he might do for his kids or something, although shouldn't his kids be like teenagers at least now?

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remake jaws.
