MovieChat Forums > The BFG (2016) Discussion > The BFG is so creepy

The BFG is so creepy

Someone posted a topic asking if he was a pedo.

He never did anything sexual but sure showed clear signs.

Had a thing for stealing little children at night if they saw him and then refusing to let them go.
I'm sure when Sophie grows up she'll be like 'that old creepy giant was going to force me to live with him for the rest of my life just because I saw him knock over a trash can'

The BFG definitely was a weird creep


by BigDDD » 21 hours ago (Sat Jul 23 2016 05:00:48)
IMDb member since April 2009
Someone posted a topic asking if he was a pedo.

He never did anything sexual but sure showed clear signs.

Had a thing for stealing little children at night if they saw him and then refusing to let them go.
I'm sure when Sophie grows up she'll be like 'that old creepy giant was going to force me to live with him for the rest of my life just because I saw him knock over a trash can'

The BFG definitely was a weird creep

Yeah I am not trolling when I say I have to agree with you.

There is something so sinister and claustrophobic about the relationship between the giant and the girl.


It's not creepy. Giants are not human beings, don't have the same reasoning or motives as human beings. Stop trying to compare actions of other beings and creatures to the likes of humans. He took her because he was afraid, simple as.


You do know that giants don't actually exist, yes? Just checking …


I would say you are even more creepy, for thinking and feeling the way you do and putting a spin on something that was never the intention to begin with. Yes, we can't have children interacting with adults regardless of the situation, be it real life or a fantasy story, because the grown up is always going to be a pedo with sexual designs. Now if it was a lady giant in the same circumstance, would she be a pedo for stealing away children in the context of the story?

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.



The Fluffy Avenger strikes again!


People's simpleminded mindsets are staggering. I suppose they must also think that Roald Dahl, Steven Spielberg and Mark Rylance are pedophiles too. What about Melissa Mathison who wrote the script and has passed away, I wonder what her agenda was?

Exorcist: Christ's power compels you. Cast out, unclean spirit.


Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle – Verified account ‏@frankieboyle

The BFG is a metaphor for Britain's celebrity paedophile culture and Roald Dahl was assassinated. Trying to get word to the Queen.


He's friendly and creepy? Wrong.



I felt very queasy right from their initial dialogue. 
