MovieChat Forums > The BFG (2016) Discussion > Why didn't the army annihilate the giant...

Why didn't the army annihilate the giants?

So the army locates a group of child abductors/murderers, but all they do is capture them and relocate them to a deserted island??
After rescuing the girl and the friendly giant, why not just drop a few MOABs on them, or maybe a tactical nuke??

Then again, this is a family movie, so I suppose showing the giants' flesh combusting and then burnt to ashes (Terminator 2), or seeing their bodies shredded into bloody pieces might be a bit much.

Then again, this movie lost money. To make more money on it, they could put out an R-rated studio cut on DVD with an alternate ending showing the giants try to battle against cluster bombs, miniguns, napalm, and cruise missles. Just add a 30 minute CGI battle scene to the end. As a bonus, maybe they could do another alternate ending where the battling giants and army are hit by a warp storm, transporting them to Mars in the Doom universe. Giants vs Cyberdemons! Then the army could find a REAL BFG-9000 and show the giants what BFG really stands for! Yeah!!!


The army was under indirect orders from Her Majesty. I couldn't see the Queen ordering annihilation of any species.


I can't understand why there was a need to call Ronald Reagan. It would seem to me the British had the situation well under control with a few helicopters and military personnel. Did they put them on an American island or something ? As I haven't read the book perhaps it was explained there.


In the book the Queen phone's several world leaders (during the breakfast scene) to ask them if any children have gone missing from that country. The movie completely changed this in a hurried clumsy manor.


camerica you've been locked in your basement too long.


I imagine there was no annihilation of the giants simply because it's a kids' film. It was frightening enough that the giants were dropped from a height and exiled to a barren wasteland where they could only grow disgusting vegetables.


Banishment of the Giants was the only alternative.
