Way Better than 4.3

This movie is a sort of remake of la piscine. The title is French for the Pool. La piscine is a classic. Blood in the water isn't half bad.

In la piscine there is no outside criminal activity. It's a story of the woman and her new boyfriend staying in a friend's vacation house. The old boyfriend shows up with a fancy car and things get jealous between the two guys.

One difference is the old boyfriend arrives with his newly discovered daughter who is just 18 and for the moment a virgin.

There is a lot of divergence between the two movies but the final result is similar. Blood in the water does a good job of evoking the mood of the French movie. I guess you guys are not fans of that famous noir mood.


I get your point but "Blood in the Water" is just a "B" movie with a substandard script. Its current IMDb rating is pretty accurate.

Willa Holland is very cute and she spends most of this movie in a bikini. But the characters do very dumb things and the script is seldom interesting.

Is Percy a Chemist or a Chemical Engineer? The script writer seems to think they are the same thing. (That is but one, minor example.)

..*.. TxMike ..*..


It is a solid movie. The negative reviews maybe don't like this movie genre. For example someone may dislike the category romantic comedy so they would give outstanding films of that type low reviews.

I wonder if the detractors could give a few movies that are in the same niche as blood in the Water that they really like.


Solid movie? No it is not. Poorly written script, laughable dialogue, and forced genre compliance. The 4.3 rating is more than generous. A true "dog", with apologies to all dogs for the colloquial comparison.
