
Im not the tyoe of person 2 hate or bein nasty but omg julie shes a huge bitch. In every single episode shes always In a bad mood. Shes always miserable. And just a bitch. Always mad at something or someone.


It does seem that way; she never used to be like that. I wish she'd laugh more again.


You'd be a bitch too if you were stuck on a show with a gay man an had to pretend u were married to him


Baha! Was he rich before she married him?
No way I'd date that man without my gaydar going loudly off.

Real LOSERS spell 'loser' looser!


Probably for the show, these shows always need a 'serious' (crabby) person to offset all the crazies.


I have noticed that as well. In the first season Julie was "the voice of reason" but not so grouchy. Now she comes across extremely hateful.ivreally like her. I especially liked her before the grumpyness set in.
