
Earlier in the show Chase got a tattoo on his side of a bible verse and Todd flipped out. He gave Chase a car for Chase to get the tattoo removed and they showed him at his first removal appointment. However in the Fourth of July episode Chase and his friend were lounging at the pool and the tattoo was totally visible. I realize the tattoo probably needed time to heal before they started to get it removed, but it didn't look like it had been removed at all (if you can watch it online it is about 14 minutes in with commercials). Did they splice it together and this was filmed before they started removing it? I don't remember which episode he got it, but it seems like it was a long time ago, possibly last season?
Now in one of the season 4 finale episodes (the one where they helped the family with the house) they showed Savannah has a faith tattoo on the inside of her right wrist. Todd doesn't have a problem with his favorite child having a tattoo but he does when Chase has one? Both are religiously based: Chase's is a bible verse and Savannah's is Faith.


Religious tattoos are queer. Just like Todd and chase.


Hint: The show is fake. Congrats on discovering the truth.
